Born in the mid-1950s in Muncie, IN; married; children: Karen, Philip, Elizabeth, Sara. Education: Business and marketing degree, Ball State University, IN. Addresses: Website--Ray Boltz Official Website:

Contemporary Christian music singer Ray Boltz has sold more than one million albums, the result of songs and albums which charted repeatedly throughout the 1980s and 1990s. His inspirational songs have been sung by a number of his colleagues, and Boltz in turn has contributed to popular compilations by multiple artists. In the late 1990s, he assembled a rock-flavored band, thus expanding his inspirational repertoire. Boltz has successfully distinguished himself for his sincerity and integrity in the commercially hyped music culture. In his religious zeal, he undertook a regular battery of public concert tours even as he embraced traditional missionary travels beyond the realm of his musical ministry. In his devotion to the Christian ideal, he embarked on a series of expeditions that sent him to Africa and Asia. While on tour, he collected hundreds of thousands of dollars for food to feed starving people in Calcutta, India.

Boltz, a native of Muncie, Indiana, was born in the mid 1950s. He attended Indiana's Ball State University where he studied a business curriculum and graduated with a degree in business and marketing. Even as a teenager in the early 1970s, Boltz embraced a commitment to Christian ministry. He employed his musical talents to bring a Christian message to shut-ins including prisoners, hospital patients, and convalescent home residents. Likewise, he performed concerts for Christian youth groups. A dozen years passed, and by the mid 1980s Boltz's commitment to a musical gospel ministry was firmly entrenched as the basis of his career. When he released his first album, Watch the Lambin 1986, the message of Christian commitment was clearly evident. Thank Youand The Altar followed by the end of the decade, in 1988 and 1989 respectively. He released Another Child to Hold in 1991.

Boltz released Seasons Changeon Word Records in 1992. Also that year, Boltz emerged as a presence on Christian radio. Among his popular recordings that gained distinction were a series of number one airplay hits including "Seasons Change," "The Altar," and "Thank You." He amassed a following of loyal fans through personal radio appearances throughout the early to mid 1990s. He issued a follow-up album, Allegiance,accompanied by a re-release of Thank You in 1994.

Parallel with the advancement of his musical career, Boltz nurtured his missionary work and eventually combined the two pursuits. When his teen-aged daughter made a six-week missionary visit to Africa in the mid 1990s, Boltz and his wife were inspired to contribute their own talents to the youth organization that sponsored the trip. Ultimately, Boltz penned a spiritual, "I Will Tell the World," which sparked the administrators of the youth group to authorize a video performance of the song to be filmed on location in Africa. The experience of the African shoot left indelible images in Boltz's memory, and he subsequently sought further opportunities to contribute to missionary programs worldwide, both in person and financially. His enthusiasm drove him to step up the glitzy media effects on his live stage shows in order to attract larger audiences. His fund-raising efforts, which occur largely at his concerts, were augmented in the process. Boltz, a natural baritone, transformed his musical bent into a profitable career as well as a full-blown missionary machine. As Boltz incorporated this Christian ministry into his itinerary, his missionary travels landed him beyond Africa and into India.

By 1995, Boltz was an established talent in the Christian recording industry. Indeed, his first five records alone sold more than one million units by 2001. In September of 1995, his Concert of a Lifetimealbum premiered on the BillboardChristian music chart shortly after he embarked on a North American tour by the same name. The promotion culminated nearly one year later, on June 22, 1996, with a concert at the Joe Byrne Memorial Stadium in Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland. A video was released soon afterward, and in May of 2001, the video (by that time certified as gold) was released on DVD. The live concert album reigned at the top of the charts for many weeks as well.

Beyond the success of his Concert of a Lifetime tour, 1995 brought Boltz to a sense of new awakening in his non-musical ministry. In the fervor of this epiphany he initiated an affiliation with a worldwide relief agency called Mission of Mercy and successfully raised nearly $500,000 for the Colorado Springs-based organization. With the money raised by Boltz, largely through donations solicited at his concerts, Mission of Mercy purchased food in a quantity estimated at between four and five million meals, which were earmarked for the starving population of Calcutta, India. Much of the fund-raising occurred when Reverend Wayne Francis joined Boltz's tour. Francis later assisted Boltz in arranging a trip to Calcutta to witness the charity drive in action.

In 1997, Boltz embarked on No Greater Sacrifice, a tour of the United States and Asia. Venues for No Greater Sacrifice extended from Dallas, Texas, to Hong Kong and Bangladesh. In Asia, where Boltz performed for free, he transported modified high-tech staging paraphernalia complete with video displays and Asian translations of the song lyrics in an effort to simulate the elaborate concert productions that he performs regularly in the United States. At every American venue, in contrast, Boltz arranged for a collection to be taken. He then designated the proceeds from the collections to be donated to Mission of Mercy.

In 2001, Boltz marked his fifteenth year of musical ministry with the re-release of Moments for the Heartin a special two-volume compilation of his most popular hit songs. A video and a DVD by the same name accompanied the anthology entitled Moments for the Heart, Vol. 1 & 2. The album featured such popular tracks as "The Altar," "Thank You," and "Shepherd Boy," along with Boltz's chart-topping hit, "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb." Other popular singles included "What If I Give All" and "The Anchor Holds." An assortment of eleven key selections featured on the associated DVD included "I Pledge Allegiance to the Lamb," "Thank You," and "What If I Give All." Likewise, a series of Concert of a Lifetimeitems for children were released at that time, including a CD, cassette recording, and video under the title Jesus Real Loud ...The Concert of a Lifetime for Kids.

by Gloria Cooksey

Ray Boltz's Career

Singing career began as a ministry to hospitals and convalescent homes; released Seasons Change, 1992; released Allegiance, 1994; international tour, 1995-96; No Greater Sacrifice Tour (United States and Asia), 1996-97; released Honor and Glory, 1998; toured eastern U.S., 1999; released Moments for the Heart, Vol. 1 & 2, 2001.

Ray Boltz's Awards

Dove Awards, Song of the Year for "Thank You," 1990, and Inspirational Recorded Song for "I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb," 1995.

Further Reading



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almost 14 years ago

Ray I don't know you personally but I know you through your music. My name is Ishmael Dowdy, I have listened to some of your songs but not all of them. When I read in an article that you came out of the closet, I felt extremely disgusted. I was disappointed when I heard that. When I read in another article that you said that you prayed really hard to prevent yourself from going back to that lifestyle and you said that it didn't work. The problem is that you became impatient with yourself and with God, and you can't do that. I thought you had faith in God. Didn't James say that faith without works is dead? You have to stop doubting and own up to the truth. Homosexuality is not you. Go back to Jesus and he will guide you you in this struggle. You just have to take it step by step. It will get better. I'm still praying for you Ray, remember when you call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that lifestyle that you're holding on to will pass away. God Bless you.

about 14 years ago

i am ashamed of you Ray Boltz.I used to be a big fan.I recently trashed your cds that i owned.

over 14 years ago

i fell in love with your song and i know u re a gifted man. you carry the solutions to countless thousands in the world. alot have come to find the Lord Jesus throu ur songs and have found peace and love. the enemy knows how great u re but not how far u will go, therefore dont yield to his deciet. beside ur songs, ur life is still what people look at. always remember, u re the only bible some people will ever read before the rapture.wat do they see when they look at u. i still believe in u and am still praying for u. am from nigeria, in africa. i love u.

over 14 years ago

Thank you Ray your music speaks to me. As a mother of a gay son I am so glad you give me hope with your words of LOVE. Who Would Jesus Love? = ALL

over 14 years ago

I don't know all of Ray's music, but he has done some amazing stuff for God - especially "Thank You". I was crying, thinking about how my mom was greeted that way last week when she died. I don't deny the strength and quality of the musical gifts Ray has, but I make it a point to NOT buy anything by someone who is (or claims to be) homosexual. I do not agree with the lifestyle choice and will not spend money to support them. No one alive is beyond God's redeeming love, if only they repent and believe.

over 14 years ago

Ray, i love your music and i love you. You were my daughter's favorite she got killed 5 years ago you are still my favorite to.

over 14 years ago

i agree with christian, go back in now before before the door of the ark is closed.many of your christian brethtren are praying for you. JESUS too, pls. read Luke 22: 31-32 and just feel and think JESUS is talking to you personally. i'm looking forward to read in the news that you come to the savior. Jesus loves you more than anybody else.

almost 15 years ago

Ray, just us your songs have won so many hearts for THE LAMB,know that this decision you've taken is also going to win so many hearts for the enemy. Many christians are tempted with all kinds of sins such as stealing, fornication, etc yet for the sake of Christ they try not to yield. What have you done! Should we yield to any feelings that we have even if they don't come from God? Please, go back to your wife and children for you have a commitment to them apart from God. Don't let the enemy deceive you.

almost 15 years ago

Just as many Christians once belived being left handed was a "choice" that would condemn to hell, just as the Bible was once used to justify slavery, Just as scriptures were quoted to prevent the legalization of interracial marriage... this too shall pass. Homosexuals are misunderstood children of God, who are just as entitled to live their life in the fullness of His creation as heterosexuals. The sincerity of those who think homosexuality is so wrong is a good sign, for those who seek do truly find... and I believe that they will find the truth... that God loves as he creates, and His gay children are just as welcome at the table as any other... John 3:16 doesnt have an asterisk stating which verses are a sub-requirement. Just as we no longer call left handed people "unnatural" or call an interracial couple an "abomination" or try to justify slavery with the word of God, the tide is already turning, for no amount of prejudice, no cherry picking of verse, no hatred wrapped in "love" can prevent Truth. I am thankful that Ray chooses to continue to make his music, and that an ever growing number of Christians realize that as God accepts him as he is, so should they.

almost 15 years ago

Last night I was at my pastor's house for our Thursday night bible study. We are studying Romans 1. Homosexuality came up because Paul teaches strongly against it. I have been a christian 40 years and have spent many years studying the Word. I had to comment on the "Christian view" of Homosexuality. I listed the "other sins" Paul speaks of at the end of the chapter. He teaches against "grasping and covetous greed, and malice,envy, jealousy, murder, strife, deceit, and treachery,ill will and cruel ways, secret backbiters and gossipers and slanderers". I asked the group and I ask anyone reading this; Who does not see these sins in practiced in the "church"? Paul calls them 'every kind of unrighteousness and iniquity'. I am not condoning homosexuality I am just saying Jesus sees SIN as Sin.We cannot say what we think is a greater sin and not condemn our own hearts.Jesus loves anyone who calls upon His name. I think the "churches approach to the gays is out of fear, ignorance and homophobia. Doesn't Jesus say "perfect love casts out all fear"? Perhaps God is not so hung up on sexual sin(homo or heterosexual) for the sexual aspect. Perhaps it is because of the consequential damage the behavior creates. Just something to think about. How about we let Father God do the judging and we let the Love of Jesus and the power of the word of God through the Holy spirit convict us all for our sin and not condemn each other.

almost 15 years ago

i am here to say what i believe God has place on my heart, to be honest i just heard of this last Saturday April 17 2010. it broke my heart and i did not want to accept it as being true, ur music was that which touch the heart that which draws one in the presents of God. i can still remember me and a friend singing the anchor holds, as we song the congregation just look on tears where falling and when the pastor was called up to preach all he said was the message was share already so he did not preach that night, we end up singing it again at our annual Bob Roberts crusade and Brother Bob shared it was his wife favourite song, when i found the information on the internet i told my mom she was hurt cause she love ur song, but know i know it's not just about share a copy that Ray is gay but to be in prayer that he one day may come to the place of repentance and back on track we love and keep u in prayer brother.

almost 15 years ago

Ray, I happened to be at your last concert you performed before coming out. I had always wanted to hear you talk because I knew that God was alive in your heart from the lyrics you wrote in your songs and the passion you sang these lyrics with. I, too, am praying that you will listen to your music, your heart and our God. We love you Ray for blessing us over the years.

about 15 years ago

I certainly am not here to judge you, you are already judged of yourself, cause you know right from wrong. The first I heard of you was at the end of a video done for me, of my Angel Tree project at church...the one who did the video played "Thank You"..and not expecting it...I began to cry..because I was being honored for my hard work as Sunday School teacher and Angel Tree coordinator...which I did not feel deserving of...since I had only answered my calling of the Lord...But Ray, just want you to know that I am praying for you, to listen to the "Holy Spirit". He will guide you into all truth and set you free, before it is too late. God Bless you, in Jesus Name.

about 15 years ago

There was a song a number of years ago by Michael W. Smith. It kinda sums up my feelings. "Once you were a true believer. Once there was fire in your soul. You were the epitamy of blessed faith astire... (not sure of words) Now you move in other circles, to the beat of different drums. And I see only glimpses of the one you use to be against the great inspiration? that you were to me. I miss the way his love would dance within your eyes, I miss the way his heart was soul of your life. And somewhere in the sadness a part of heaven too - a Father sheds a tear for you - he's missing you too."

about 15 years ago

I have being trying for a very long time to get who sang 'at the foot of the cross' and my search got me this inspiring singer. I have read stuff about your life Ray but still thank God for whom He is and for you. If it's too hard for you, I advice you pick your songs on the cross and begin to listen to them again and you'll be surprised what the Lord will do. I believe you are not lost, brother. God so loves you, me and us all.

about 15 years ago

Ray, I have to say thank you for your music. My husband has sang your songs for many years. He passed away last month at the age of 54 and three of your songs were played at his celebration. He stood by you thru it all. He prayed for you each day and I will conitue to pray. Your music brought laughter and praises to us. God gave you the music and no one can take it away. Keep the music coming.

over 15 years ago

we love you Ray.uve touched our hearts with your songs.we will not stop praying for you.for all of you who r condemning and judging remember A SAINT IS JUST A SINNER WHO FELL DOWN AND GOT UP.i know Ray will be up soon.

over 15 years ago

Some may condemn, but for lots of people it's concern. Concern for Ray and also for his wife and children. I too cried when I heard the song "thank you". I also cried inside when I read the news that, once again, "you are a life that has been changed". Forgive me, but this time, not for the better. Sin is sin in God's eyes whether it is fornication, adultery, prostitution, gay living, even the things we think are small and insignificant. We may fall, but we don't have to stay there. Maybe Christianity has become a job rather than a relationship. Please Ray, re-consider and take time out with God alone.

over 15 years ago

Sin nature is sin nature, period. There is no such thing as a sinless person. I would argue that those of you spewing hate onto Ray Boltz should examine your own sin nature. I am quite sure that Jesus is LOVE, so much that he died for the whole world. period. The Christians who condemn gay people are certainly not showing the love of Christ. Answer for your own sins and stop pointing out what you THINK are the sins of others. After all, God is the judge.

over 15 years ago

Ray let me just say that God has used you in so many ways in my life! The music and songs you sing have ministered to me for 15 years. I was just telling my son that this is the most annointed music I have ever listened to since I became a christian in 1994. You have always been my favorite christian artist and I will never stop listening to your music because this is one way God ministers to my heart. I must admit I was surprised to hear of your "coming out" but I am no one to judge for the bible says we all sin and no one sin is better or worse than the other. I just pray that you continue to let God use you as he so powerfully has all of my christian life! Lord Bless you and your family.

over 15 years ago

I just listened to your song, "Don't tell me who to love." The words and message are powerful. God loves you, he loves everyone. I love my husband, but my DNA is made to love a man-so is yours-there is nothing wrong with God's plan. He made you who you are-be proud and continue to love our God. Please continue to write and sing-this is a true gift! People, please do not judge and please listen to the song that I mentioned. God Bless-peace, love and not hatred.

almost 16 years ago

To ALL those who CONDEMN, JUDGE, HATE THE SIN, WORRY for RAY, are SICK or DISGUSTED and will STOP LISTENING to his MUSIC and POINT TO BIBLICAL PASSAGES and QUOTES -- where is your original thought? You all appear as robots programmed to utter words you've been brainwashed to believe repeatedly. Is your OWN PAIN (sin) so DISTASTEFUL you must project it on to another, especially such a giving, warm, sincere and powerfully deep and talented Christian as Ray Boltz (whom I happen to know in his present and growing wholeness)? You're ALL shocked, mortified, disgusted, praying, suggesting...when it is YOU who WILL BE JUDGED for your major sin of lack of compassion and intensely-uninformed judgment!!!

almost 16 years ago

I don't even know where to begin. I had no idea that Ray Boltz had came out that he was gay. I just happened to be looking to buy somemore cd's of his and had came across some sights that took me to articles saying he is gay. I'm shocked and mortified that this is true. I love his music but I won't be buying anymore of his cd's. I will keep him and his family in my prayers.

almost 16 years ago

Ray stop making excusses for your life style you are a disgrace to the christian community. I wept throughout the day I read about your sexuality. I remember how we use to weep togather as a family each time we play your song.

almost 16 years ago

i grew up in a christian family and i listened to your music all the time in kenya! i regarded you highly as one of my favorite singers and now here i am heart broken of the new of your sexuality! you have changed many lives for God's sake and we have all looked up to you as a real man after God's heart.

almost 16 years ago

I was shocked with this announcement. I know my family and friends will be too We a group of six traveled to Anchorage to see you years ago from Kodiak. Never in my wildest dream was I ready to hear this announcement from you. I will be praying for you and others like you. the Bible is very plain on this matter May God Bless you Always..

almost 16 years ago

You all who are commenting and leaving hateful comments are extremely rude. Why don't you focus on the message in the music rather than someone's personal preference? "Homosexuality is wrong" blah blah yeah we all know but we are all children in God's eyes and he loves every one of us. What about the child molesters who "give their lives to God" unfortunately even though we may never forgive them, if they are right in their heart then God accepts them; so all of you who have posted hateful comments need to look inside YOUR OWN heart and take a look in the mirror as well. None of us are perfect and many would call your OWN actions hypocritical as well. So take a look inside before you point the finger because ONLY GOD HAS THE RIGHT TO JUDGE US. This is precisely why so many are put off by "Christians" ... because they are awfully judgemental for a people who claim to be accepting!!

about 16 years ago

I sang The anchor holds at my mothers funeral.She lived those words, and it is sad that the writer doesnt. We all deal with trials and temptations in this life, the Word tells us will, but we have an advocate with the Father that interceeds on our behalf. If you choose to sin, and it is a choice, dont blame God. Take responsibility for your actions but as Charles Spurgeon quoted, " God will not allow His children to sin sucessfully, He will either remove them, or chasten them harshly." When you continue in your sin, you are forcing Gods hand. He wants nothing more than to welcome home His children, but He will not let us hurt His kingdom. I pray that you will return to the fellowship with the Father and regain the faith of those of us who have used the words of your songs as a healing balm.

about 16 years ago

I dont understand how someone that had such an annointing of thr Holy Spirit on their life could turn their back and blame it on God. We all like sheep have gone astray, but the shepherd left the ninety and nine to go after the lost one. I pray that as God calls you back to Himself, as His word proclaims, that you will hearken to that Still Small Voice and return to the Father for forgiveness and restoration that can only come from Him. I can only imagine how Satan is trying to use this to try and steal what is Gods, but we have to fight him daily and remember that the victory is already won. It was won at Calvary. Trust that truth and dont allow Satan any power in your life. My our loving Father be glorified in what Satan means for evil.

about 16 years ago

Ray I have just learned that you are GAY. I would like to say that as a gay man leaving with HIV that your music has been an inspiration to me in ways that you can never imagine. My 2 favorite songs is The Alter and of course The Anchor Holds. As a gay man growing up singing Southern Gospel Music my whole life, The Anchor holds always gives the peace of mind to know that God is my Anchor and that gives me great strength every day. If you ever make to Birmingham Alabama I would love to meet you in person and be able to say thank you. You are truly a man Annointed by God to write such wonderful music. Hope to here from you. Your always in mine and my partners prayers. Keep up your good work. Forever greatful Jerry

about 16 years ago

I can not believe that you, someone I grew up listening to, someone my parents used as an instrument to bring themselves and their children closer to God, could do something like this. You know in your heart that homosexuality is wrong. But it's easier to give in to what Satan is using to tempt you with than to stay away from it, huh? It took him an awfully long time to get you to give in, but he did. I just wish you had been the man of God that you made yourself out to be in the public eye and commanded him behind you. We are tempted every day, with many different things.....but the REAL Christians, the ones who know God is stronger than any temptation, keep on praying and seeking God's face. They don't give in to the sin and teptations of the flesh and break hearts.....tearing apart families. And when they do mess up, they make it right with God and others; they don't justify it by saying God approves of their sin. You're a coward.

about 16 years ago

Dear brother Ray I am really taken by surprise to see a man who sung from his heart, soul and mind for God. A man who has fired up many troubled hearts for God. A man who is extra ordinarily talented to glorify Him through music. How can you say that God made you like that? How can you blame God? Oh my God how you ever got caught in such a blasphemy? Please, please come out of your compromised Christian life. GOD NEVER MADE YOU OR ANYBODY GAY EVER. God created them MALE & FEMALE with relevant instincts in them. Homosexuality is SIN and you need to condemn it. Please repent and come back. God will restore you as nothing has ever happened. He will renew you in your heart and soul. He will never leave you, you cant run away from His presence. It is my heart cry that you repent and come back. I will pray for you as I have cherished yours songs for years and always felt drawing closer to God listening them. May God's mercy be extended on you.

about 16 years ago

Hi Bro. Ray, this recent news broke our hearts & made us cry. Like the Lord said; "He hates sin but loves sinners!" We will pray, that you let His will be done in your life not your will. It is not about you! We are called for a purpose and that is to obey what God has called us to do! Remember, much is given much is required of us! You are a brother and never will you be a sister to us! This life is temporary, what matters most is our eternity. God's Word never changes... homosexuality is sin no matter what angle you look at it. We pray for your deliverance. In Jesus' Name! Amen.

about 16 years ago

Hi Ray, I learned about your admission of giving in to temptation about six days ago. My first reaction was to condemn you of being a hypocrite and stop listening to your songs, but then the Lord reminded me that I was the hypocrite. He reminded me about how many times He used your songs to draw me closer to Him. So I decided that, by God's grace, I will pray for you as fervently as I pray for my family. Please, Ray, don't give up on God because he will never give up on you. The devil knows that, and that is why he is hell-bent on getting us to quit on our Lord. In Jeremiah 31: 3-4, The LORD says “ Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt..." and in Hebrews 13:5 He says, "... I will never leave you nor forsake you..." Just don't close the door of your heart shut on Him. He loves you and will continue to fight for you, just as He's been doing for me. He has won the war Ray; please allow Him to win the battle for you. Donna

about 16 years ago

Dearest Mr. Boltz, I have been touched by your music for a long time & had no idea you have been struggling as well. I will be praying big time for you & your family. I'd be heart-broken to see you perish for eternal life. Please come back to Jesus. In His Everlasting Love, Ann

about 16 years ago

I'm disappointed and disgusted. May you seek the face of the Lamb who died for our sins. I agree, we are all sinners, but don't say that your new lifestlye is something God would approve. You don't know the Lamb that washed my sins away.

about 16 years ago

The bible declares that all have sin and fall short to the glory of God. Mr. Boltz your music have inspired me through trails and hardships, remember that 1st Timothy 4:1 says that in the last days many will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. I pray for transformation and spiritual revival in your life. The same blood of Jesus that wash your sins away when you first came to Christ will be the same blood that will wash away your sins even now, all you have to do is get on your needs and ask Jesus for forgiveness and turn away from you sins He will come in to your heart and make you a brand new person again. For if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. May the peace of God be with you.

about 16 years ago

Dear God, I was taught that Jesus accepted all people regardless of wealth or race. i know you made us all different so that we can learn from each other. I pray that you will open all of our eyes. Please help those who are dealing with the struggles of homosexuality, bless them and comfort them. Please help those of us who don't understand others to avoid casting judgment and shame. You are the one true God whom we all were created after. Please help us look at our sins before we judge others where they are in their walk with you. You are a mighty God and I fear that we as christian cast judgments so often that we are leading people away from you Lord. Jesus taught us that the prostitutes and those willing to not judge will be the first to enter the kingdom of Heaven. Please help us understand each others differences and use us to lead other to you and not away from you. In our holy name, AMEN

about 16 years ago

"Youre a disgrace, you are leading a whole generation of youth straight to the gates of hell with you. I have destroyed all of your music and I encourage all Christians that believe in the Word of God and Jesus Christ to do the same. I believe you are one of the Anti Christ, along with alot of so called Christians. Our country needs to get back to the Word of God and not the word of man. Why did you live a phony lie? Was it because you couldnt make it in pop music(where you would have fit in better) I wish I had never taken mykids to see you years ago. You have hurt them and alot of people that believed you were a real Christian. I pray that you will turn from your wicked lifestyle, before you die of aids." If this is what a so caled christian is..... No thank you. Ray may burn in hell.... but for sure you will be right there whith him. Real but.

over 16 years ago

Youre a disgrace, you are leading a whole generation of youth straight to the gates of hell with you. I have destroyed all of your music and I encourage all Christians that believe in the Word of God and Jesus Christ to do the same. I believe you are one of the Anti Christ, along with alot of so called Christians. Our country needs to get back to the Word of God and not the word of man. Why did you live a phony lie? Was it because you couldnt make it in pop music(where you would have fit in better) I wish I had never taken mykids to see you years ago. You have hurt them and alot of people that believed you were a real Christian. I pray that you will turn from your wicked lifestyle, before you die of aids.

over 16 years ago

Love and prayers to/for all your family. With much appreciation for your family's ministry, past, present, and future.

over 16 years ago

I understand wha t Ray went through I been there myself. God love us the way we are , not thae way the so called christians think. Tho shall NOT judge

over 16 years ago

I will pray for Ray and his family during this low time. Just remember when looking back on this situation, Ray, and you only see one set of footprints in the sand. It's not because you were walking through this alone, it was because God was carrying you threw it. God Bless.

over 16 years ago

As I was driving across the Bay Bridge in Maryland I was looking at the big ships in the water. The song "The Anchor Holds" was playing on the radio; God really put the truth of that song in my heart. Just like that little anchor that holds that big ship, God holds on to us. There have been many times in my Christian life that I almost "drifted" away, but Thank God, His anchor held on to me. Ray, the Anchor will hold in your life too if you will let it. Please don't drift too far from shore.

over 16 years ago

Hello, Ray! My son, Timothy listens to your "Pledge allegiance to the Lamb" as do I and it fills his heart. It is truly inspired and you know that as well as I do, don't you? Ray, I struggle with pornography and am taking an online course at where I know our Lord is kind and gracious to help me. You certainly have a tremendous talent. I walked away from our Lord back during the Vietnam war after the loss of a girlfriend and blamed Him for my loss so I turned to pornography once in awhile to rebell against God. You know something? He never left me. I left Him! Well, there were consequences to my sin although He did forgive me and in December of 2006 I had a 30 day experience that led me back to God but not before it scared the pee wadding out of me!! I love you Ray just like Tim, your wife and your children (yes---you know as well as I do that in spite of the divorce they still love you now don't you?) You haven't forgotten how to pray just like David never forgot. Listen to the Holy Spirit, Ray. He is still there inside you! You know it!!!!!! Listen to Him and all you have to do is sit down some place quiet--close your eyes ---say ""Jesus, it's me--Ray--I just need a little help, would you please help me? I'm a little embarrassed and ashamed but I know you can help me. Please Father. Take me hand. Please!"" And He Will, Ray!! He will. We love you. You know what? You are going to come back and when you do ----just like myself---you will be stronger than ever ----and don't you worry about the music industry or Christian community!!! God will take care of that. You simply do what you are told to do. I'm waiting for you, Ray!! So is your God and there are no stones to throw for my sins are ever bit as great but they---as yours are forgiven as well. You have only to ask, repent and come back! Now ---what are you waiting on? Christmas? See you soon. Very soon!!

over 16 years ago

Ray, I was saddened to hear that you gave in to temptation & retired from your musical ministry. I was in tears when I played your song "Thank You". I thought about what you have given up due to the weakness of flesh. It made me look at myself & the sin of gambling in my life. Since learning about your falling away, I have given my life back to Jesus. The pleasures of this world are not worth losing our souls over. Satan is fighting hard for your soul because your musical ministry was such a blessing to thousands of people. I'm praying for a miracle for you & your family during this difficult time to be healed & lifted up.

over 16 years ago

it a sin what ray bolts is doing i do not have no more of his songs an do not what them if he is gay.HE need too get right with JESUS and stop being gay go back with your wife and kids

over 16 years ago

Dear Ray, I was so shocked to hear about you and your trouble you are facing. Your songs have lifted my heart many times when life was not so good. Please Pray to God to ask Him to lift this evil from your life, Did you ever stop to think that God was testing you? You have failed, BUT, HE can restore you. God does give us free will and lets us make our own choices in life God inspired you so much what a great gift He has given to you to have reached out to so many People who needed to hear the Love of our Savior I pray now that you go back into your life, listen to your words that God put into your brain and fall on your knees and ask Him for His forgiveness.

over 16 years ago

Ray -- God bless you and all that you are. Coming out was not easy for you but there are people out here who still love you, who still feel the anointing God placed on your music and that music is just as anointed and powerful today as it was yesterday, today and tomorrow. Stay strong in the Lord. My heart and prayers go out to you. I won't be one of those that is standing in line to stone you.

over 16 years ago

Christianity should be different from any other religion.We should copy the example of Jesus Christ who condemned not but gave an opportunity to all to change.I am sure that most of us are cumbered with a heavy load and the shenanigans of life but to say the truth it doesn't help much to share it with brothers and sisters in church because it shall be published. The disease is aggravated.May we as Christians pray hard for one another for the love of God.Be blessed.

over 16 years ago

sometimes we want to judge as we forget that other people's weaknesses come to expose our own weakness.i know that there is nothing that can ever stop the love of God.He loves us with an everlasting love and has called us to his loving kindness.I pray for you Ray because God set you apart before even times begun.Find the right path in Christ alone and be lifted.God loves you.Be blessed.

over 16 years ago

how sad!!!!!!our family has loved your music for years. your music is still beautiful, but it will never be the same again. our prayers go out to you and your family I am sooooo sad for your wife and kids. may you come back to the foot of the cross before it's too late!!!

over 16 years ago

Well, I heard this news from a friend last night. I was heartbroken to say the least...God is big enough to save us from our sins if we allow him to. It makes me so sad that a man that could hear so much from the Lord to write those life changing songs could actually believe that living out iniquity would be ok, but I am reminded that Ray is a man and God is still God and that music is powerful cause it was Holy Spirit inspired. I am praying from his safe return before it's too late and so is my family!!!

over 16 years ago

Ray, I went to school & graduated with you. My brother worked on your studio in Muncie. I didn't know you that well, although you knew a lot of my close friends. I hope you know that we all love you as a friend & as a person. I am truly saddened by the torment you have experienced in your life. Your music was a "special" ministry to many people, including myself. It will never be the same again as long as you turn from God's word. He cannot bless you or your work as long as you are blinded by satan. We're all weak in the flesh & satan uses whoever & whatever to justify his lies in our minds. You were not created to be gay, God speaks against it in the Bible. If that were the case, everybody could justify their sinful nature. You will never truly have peace in your life as long as you are separated from God & his will for you. It's not about what we want in this world but what God's will is for us. THEN one day, we will all be rewarded for all the torment & hardships we endured while on this earth. I believe we don't have too long to wait, signs are leading up to the return of Jesus. I'm praying that your eyes will be opened & you will be cleansed by the blood of Jesus & set free of your torment. God Bless You

over 16 years ago


over 16 years ago

Ray, A fellow Marine shared the gospel with me in his house and then played two songs of yours directly after sharing with me - the anchor holds and I pledge alligience to the Lamb. I called that the one - two punch. I have used the exact same method through the years and led others to Christ also. You are very much part of my testimony, I say a Marine and Ray Boltz led me to Christ. I understand your struggle Ray, I do not understand your surrender to it though. 1 John 4:4 says that we are of God and have overcome them because He that is in us is GREATER then he that is in the world. Turn back to Jesus Ray, make provisions for the Spirit of God that is living in you, not your flesh. I have covenanted with God to pray for you daily until you return to Him or He takes me home. I love you and want you to know I was a life that was changed, first by Jesus and then by your great music that the Lord layed on your heart to share. May God bring you back to your wife who I promise you is waiting right now for you. Remember Ray, a broken heart is an acceptable offering to God. In His Love Rob

over 16 years ago


over 16 years ago

Not to give away my age, but I have been a huge Ray Boltz fan for as long as I can remember. I am verry sad about the fact that he has come out of the closet. As a firm beliver I must say the Bible sayes that you will be judged by the came standered that you hold others to. If a cristian wishes to judge someone, they can, but they must know thet they too must be judged by the one who realy counts someday. As for Ray Boltz, I could not be more heartbroken that one of the most insperational people in my life is gay, but that is his sin to struggle with and I pray that he will get through it!

over 16 years ago

Well hello fellow christian and hoosier! I am not going to sit here and condemn you or your choices. That is left between you and God. I am going to praise you for the gifts and talents God gave you and how you ministered to so many people. I have many demons. Being molested at the age of five and parents who beat me for that. Years of alcohol and drug abuse. Many thoughts of suicude, a few attempts. Failed marriage because I married a non Christian man. Children molested at young ages at their father's house. A fourth child taken from me at the age of three because a court felt my other children would molest her. So many things I can not mention them all here. The day I heard your songs, The Anchor Holds and "Go Light Your Candle" brought this preachers child to her knees with tears streaming down my face. I choose not to allow your sexual preferences to hinder the blessings and healings I still receive today from your ministries! I love you and God loves you and many more of our brothers and sisters in Christ still love you! God Bless!

over 16 years ago

The Word is in Black and White... Jesus did not come to condemn but to help us repent... I begged for God to grant me repentance and To grant me a new spirit and He did. I know God can do the same for Ray. God is merciful as well as just. He withholds his wrath so that we may come to the knowledge of the truth. I was once guilty down deep in my heart for what the bible teaches against having unnatural affection towards other woman. Jesus said as he prayed drops of blood, "If this cup could be taken from me, But none the less, not my will But yours be done" He warned the disciples to pray again and again, "Pray that you ENTER not into temptation, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" I pray for you Ray with tears of hope. That God will make your spirit willing to do his will despite what your flesh in all of its weakness is saying to do." It is a fight that is worth fighting. I wish God's best for you. And last but not least. He didn't MAKE you this way... You can be born again! We are made with a sin nature passed on down from Adam at the fall. So yes, we must be born again if we want to be freed from condemnation. There is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, WHO walk NOT after the flesh. BUT after the Spirit. Pick up the CROSS and walk hard after him. Then you will not "mind the things of the flesh" as Romans 8 teaches. THE WORD gives us HOPE and it is not in our own strength that we can overcome BUT in the strength of Christ Jesus. PRAISE the LAMB of GOD! Who was chastised to bring us peace that we may take our flesh and use it as instruments of righteousness! NOW that would be a great praise song to write about. AMEN! THe LORD loves those who fear His wrath that they may cling to His love and be inspired to depart from their old ways. Jesus said his brothers, and sisters and mothers...They are not just merely hearers of the WORD but are his who are doers of the Word practicing right behavior, and shunning the evil. You can do it. The LORD is there to help and guide you. His mercy and grace endures forever for those who come to him Believing He can do for them whatever is asked. If you ask for His Spirit to help you walk on the straight and narrow path. He is faithful to "work out" and finish what you cannot do for yourself. But you must first admit your are weak before he can help renew your mind inwardly. THough outwardly we waste away and are at war in our members like the apostle Paul says until the day our bodies are retored and the incorruptible flesh it put on. We can still overcome in the Spirit! It is true! I rejoice knowing it's true cause God helps me overcome my fleshly desires and do his will every time I pray. I diligently and warmly send my regards to you and your family, Marie

over 16 years ago

Come on people. Nobody thought he was just a little gay all these years. No suprise to me. Hey, where's all the forgiveness. Living a lie is the real sin here. We have to be who we are. God gave us Ray all of you who condemn him will be judged as well. then again? Will we all awake and realize that there never really was a god to begin with. HAHAHAHAHAH

over 16 years ago

Way to go Ray! Welcome to the family of God where there are not step-children and where we all truly know the unending grace and unconditional love of God. Thank you for living your life honestly as the wonderful person God created you to be.

over 16 years ago

one be deceived like this breaks my heart.

over 16 years ago It is what it is. We love you Ray, but the Holy Spirit cannot live within you if you continue this lifestyle just as The Holy Spirit cannot live within those who are living in sin without remorse, repentance, and a true change of heart and actions. I'm afraid Christians do not "Fear" God anymore and feel He is all Love and no matter what we do, there is His Love, Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness. These are reseved for those who truly repent and "change" their ways not continuing in it. If you do not repent, the Bible is very clear there will be judgement and punishment.

over 16 years ago

Dear Mr. Ray Boltz, I would ask you to read John Eldredge books, Waking the Dead and Desire. Don't accept the lies of the Devil. He is a deceiver and seeks only to destroy. Please return to God and repent of your sin. The blood of Jesus washes over you and by His stripes you are healed. We love you and pray for you and your family. God' Blessing and Mercy

over 16 years ago

How sad for your wife and kids! I will pray for them first! You are not only sinning by being gay you are also sinning cheating on your wife. Maybe you should put your family ahead of yourself. Did you ever think of that? So sad! Your songs were beautiful and uplifting unfortunately actions speak LOUDER than words!

over 16 years ago

I am glad that Ray Boltz decided to come out in the open. Maybe it will make the church begin to research this thing they call homosexuallity as sin.... because every scripture that ever refers to the word homosexuallity was only added to the english version of the Bible in the 1900's up til then the word never existed. The Bible never says that this life style is wrong ever. Christians need to do some major scripture reading and not just reading but word meaning. The word that homosexuallity replaced in the english versions of the Bible is so far from the real meaning of the orginal word. I did not wake up one day and say I am going to be gay and you didn't wake up one day and say you were going to be straight. Christians throw out history have used the Bilbe to cover up the real truth of thing. Scriputre was used to OKAY slavery, hoilocost, and other major events that were so wrong. One day the Chruch will wake up and have to apoligize to the Gay Community for their lack of knowledge and understanding of scripture. Buford --New Orleans

over 16 years ago

love the sinner, hate the sin. how ironic this news when i think of the powerful words of the music you sang. Dare to believe Ray! God is full of mercy and grace!

over 16 years ago

Being honest with yourself is being honest with God. Such hypocrits in the church who refuse to accept that being gay is something that we can't turn off or on. The church loves to shoot it's own. God loves you Ray. Always has and always will. Life isn't easy always easy but you can always ....count on God. I'll be praying for you Ray .

over 16 years ago

How sad for Father God and your family. However, nothing catches God by surprise. He knew all along. You can return to the "Foot of the Cross" as long as you are on this side of the grave. We have no promise of tomorrow. We will be praying for you.

over 16 years ago

No advice from me, my friend. I know you getting advice and condemnation from all sides right now. I know that you have read the scriptures that so many are instucting you to read right now. I suspect that you have struggle with those words for many years. I suspect that you have lived in morbid fear of who you are. Just know that you have a heterosexual, christian brother from Indiana, praying for you today.

over 16 years ago

Sheesh! Why all the condemnation? Did Jesus ever condemn? He even said to the woman caught in adultry..."where are your condemners?" (they were gone) Then He said, "then neither do I condemn you"... I agree, obviously that's sin, but we as the church, the body of Christ need to be showing LOVE. Homosexuality is NO different than lying, gossip, strife and the all the other sins we think are little. Jesus came and dies for ALL, small or big, they are not different... We all have things we are working on the mature and grow in our Christian life, but that doesn't mean we go around bashing people when they fall or make a mistake. It's is sad, but don't you think if we pray for people as much as we condemn or talk about them that maybe there would be more change? just a thought...

over 16 years ago

Interesting.... Dorna is worried about the shame this will bring to the Church, LuAnn believes he has found bondage, Marry says the devil did it, and Bob seems to think it is best to hide his temptations. What a load of ridiculous rubbish. According to Christianity he is now going to hell... BUT Jesus still loves him. You all live the same contradiction that he lives.

over 16 years ago

Oh my gosh! Hooray for Ray Boltz, not living a lie anymore! What a pleasure to see someone stand up and say "this is who I am and who God made me to be". Those of you throwing stones, are you still keeping slaves in your house in the name of God? How is it these same Christian haters, do not ever bring up how the Bible condones slavery, or how women are not to cut their hair! I could go on and on. This is outrageous for the christian community to hear such unloving comments. Mark Walker Wichita, KS

over 16 years ago

What a terrible thing to take the armour off and lay the weapons down to fight the enemy of your soul! There is none among us who does not fight spiritual warfare daily,but only those who endure to the end shall be saved! Mr. Boltz has said he was living in the darkness, I'm afraid he hasn't begun to know the darkness he is going to experience embracing this lifestyle that our Lord has called sin. He has also said he feels that God wants him to be happy, well I know our Lord is more concern with our holiness than with our happiness! It has been said that sin takes you futher than you want to go and keeps you longer than you want to stay, this sin that Mr. Boltz is embracing may seem sweet and satisfying for a season, but the end thereof is destruction. It's not surprising that there was a struggle with temptation we all have one thing or another to deal with, the problem comes with giving in and giving up! It is very possible that this coming out and bringing everything into the light will open the door for true deliverence. Satan can have a real victory as long as he is operating in the darkness, but when the light of Jesus shines forth then the true decision must be made, my prayer is that Mr. Boltz will seek forgiveness and with a broken and contrite heart repent and turn back to Jesus before it is eternally to late. It's certainly not my place to judge him only to love him, but the only thing I have to guide me is the HOly Word of God and there is NO place that allows this lifestyle and NO place that it is not called sinful, What, Mr. Boltz are you going to do with the Word of God? I ask you to consider your ways before it is too late. Many have been hurt by this selfish decision you have made , but none more than our sweet Jesus and YES I think as you used to sing He does still "Feel the Nails" . There is an army of people praying for you and your family and also for all those who have been so hurt in all this. You are loved, but God cannot and will not turn His face and ignore sin it just will not happen. What He has spoken He will do! I think of, there are people who are going or have gone thruogh this very same thing and there can be victory if you only turn to Jesus not with your head or your talents , but with your heart! Lifting you to the Father!

over 16 years ago


over 16 years ago


over 16 years ago

We all make mistakes and sin daily. God is a good God hurt by us all daily. Judging is for our Father in Heaven to do, and not us. He will forgive us our sins if we ask Him. I am praying for you and know that God answers all prayers. Just don't give up on Jesus Christ and He will never give up on you.

over 16 years ago

Hi Ray, I don't know if you read these comments, but my I be so bold and crude to ask if you're just horney and like both men a women which isn't the way that Gad made you or any of us!! All other species of the animal kingdom "get it right", so why can't humans do the same. God gave us some intelligence to seek him for strength. I saw a lady on Oprah today that lost both arms and legs in childbirth. God didn't make her that way, and she also will have to seek him for strength to move on which she HAS. My body is also somewhat devastated by being legally blind, having bad feet, etc. etc. that I struggle with too,but I do go on even if it isn't the pefect life physically. You MUST do the same and being the human being that God DID create. God did create you to make beautiful music and write the lyrics to beautiful songs as well as being able to travel and do mission work. The lady on Oprah nor I can do this even tough we would love to, but we still serve God. Please don't give up so easily. By the way, both of our husbnds are with us through thick and thin and haen't left us to pursue things that are more fun for them as well. I might add that my husband and I lost a 33 year old son,but we went TOWARD GOD. It is every person's only hope. By the way, I love Carole too. She endures and seeks God.

over 16 years ago

This is for all of the hypocritical people who think they have the right to judge someone! God is the only one who has the right to throw stones so that means everyone has sin in their life so clean up all of yours before you start making comments towards someone else! The bible has lots of scriptures that I’m sure every one of you doesn’t follow, so does that mean we all are going to hell? I don’t think so!!! If you think someone is sinning I think you should pray for them but making comments on here doesn’t make you a better Christian!

over 16 years ago

Hi Ray, I know first hand your feelings, temptations and frustrations. To have feelings and attractions that are in direct contradiction to the gospel of the Savior we love. I know that you have suffered in silence for many years. Ray this may be a reason why you have been unsuccessful to overcome. I know that as long as I kept homosexual feelings in the dark they continued to hold tremendous power over me. Once brought to the light I could call upon brothers who would help me to overcome in godly ways. I am glad you have exposed this about yourself but rather than accepting it as a lifestyle, please consider letting brothers help you to overcome. Now that it is in the light perhaps you can finally overcome it.

over 16 years ago

Ray, I have loved your music for a long time. It has blessed my soul and I know many others. My heart is so hurt. My son called me to tell me this news. All I could think of was how sad for you and your family but most of all God. I agree with another that it is so sad that another one of God's children has allowed Satan to convince him of the lies and in doing so give others amunition. I will pray daily that God would deliver you as I do for someone else that I love more that anything. I will also pray for your family because I know personally the pain that is involved. You are loved.

over 16 years ago

Ray- I am praying for you and your family. You have fallen short of his glory, like all. However, please get on your knees and repent. You can rise above satan. Don't let him win.

over 16 years ago

I said a prayer for you today, I have been so blessed by your music in the past,I have not walked in your shoes and I know Jesus loves you I just want to know have you truly found the freedom you say you have? Doesn't matter to me your sexual orientation, but what about your family?

over 16 years ago

Rat,as a child, i listened to your music on the way to school in the morning. MEmorized every word...but know. I am petrified...may god shed his enduring mercy on your soul. We al better be glad that i am not God. thats all i have to say. READ THE BIBLE!!!! ROMANS CHAPTER 1!!!

over 16 years ago

How can you say "I pledge Allegiance to the lamb", "no greater Sacrifice", "the anchor holds"??? HOW?! You lied to everyone. You broke that sacred promise you made to your wife, to your Children, to Adonai, Elohim, I AM, YHWH HIMSELF. You broke faith with every heart you touched in all your life. You Trampled and beat down the very one who came to HELP YOU. You Stabbed your Saviour you profess to love and spilled his very life's blood on the ground and spit in the wound. Think of the Repercussions! You've told every lost person you will ever see "yeah, My god is real- and he's set statuets to follow to protect ourselves! -but I don't Care. I could go kill you and he wouldn't care! see? I'm going to go kiss Steve! HEY GOD! WATCH ME RUIN MY WITNESS AND STAB YOUR SON AGAIN! HA HA!" What must your wife have thought?! you're kicking her to the curb after all those years of her loving you and working with you, through the hard times, through the good times, when you were sick and hurt, when she was. Her loyalty repaid by you using up her best years in life and throwing her away like a used paper plate instead of the fine china she is. SHE IS A DAUGHTER OF THE KING- and you? By your recent testimony I'd say you're a smooth tongued son of a demon! If you can believe this then you were never a son of God. Thank El Elyon I am not your creator. I have no right to judge you- but Father, I am So torn apart. Jehova, give her a heart to forgive him, give us all a heart to forgive him. Protect his family, put your angels all around them.

over 16 years ago

Ray, I have been blessed by your music over the years. I was shocked last week to learn about your deep, dark secret and as a matter of fact, I am angry because of the shame you brought to Christ's body, the Church as well as your family. I hope you realize that this is not of God but it is of Satan, the liar. Please read Rom. 1:24-25. God is a God of grace and He can deliver you. Ask Him to help you. My husband and I will be praying that you will allow our all-powerful and holy God to rescue you. You have been deceived, but God is more powerful than the sly one who has deceived you. That "Anchor" you sing so beautifully about is still there for you. Just reach out and He will rescue you.

over 16 years ago

I sobbed heart wrenching sobs just now for you and for me as I remembered the times in my life when all I could do was hang on to my anchor! Your song "The Anchor Holds" has kept me going in the right direction when everything in my life was falling apart. My parents broke up, my father struggled with gay feelings, my youngest brother committed suicide and my marriage has been a rocky one. There were many times I thought, "I don't deserve this, This isn't fair!" But it's not about ME it's about CHRIST. My children, my husband and my Lord are counting on me to make God honoring choices and by the grace of God I will not let them down! My life here is all about becoming like my Lord and choosing to sacrifice ALL for His cause not to be a stumbling block to it. I fight my "natural impulses" every single day whether they be to have an affair, speak harshly to my family or over eat, but I must not give in to the fight or the enemy will devour me. Aside from the Homosexuality leaving your wife and children is giving in to the enemy and giving up! Please don't give up! Let Him fill that empty place and be ALL you need! My love & prayers are with you. PLEASE GIVE YOUR ALL!

over 16 years ago

Mr. Boltz, as a Christian I am devistated that someone of your reputation has decided on a lifestyle that God, in His Word, says is an abomination. I admire your accomplishments, but truly doubt your relationship with God. You will be in my prayers.

over 16 years ago

Ray, here is a verse you should read,Lev.18"22 YOU SHALL NOT LIE WITH A MALE AS ONE LIES WITH A FEMALE;IT IS AN ABOMINATION." Bill

over 16 years ago

If you choose this decision for yourself, please do not continue to proclaim Christ. I believe it is a slap in the face to God that you will have to answer to one day.

over 16 years ago

They've known for 3 years.

over 16 years ago

My disapointment is nothing compared to what you have done to Christ and the body of believers. The amazing thing is, God still loves you and wants you to come to Him for forgivness. Please don't give in to this way of life and throw everything else away. You are not finding true freedom, but bondage. I will be praying for the freedom from your chains that you have chosen.

over 16 years ago

Ray, I am praying for you. You have touched so many lives over the years. God will give you strength and forgiveness. Ray you know this is not the way God made you. He created you in the very image of God. I am praying by God's marvelous Grace You will open your heart to Jesus. He will give you the strength to say NO to this lifestyle.

over 16 years ago

I've been singing your songs for years and they have ministered in great ways, but I'm not sure that I can ever sing them again. Ray the Bible is very plain on this, there is not a gray area. It's Heaven or Hell and of people you know both of these places are REAL.

over 16 years ago

OK "Church", WAKE UP!!! Some of these comments are absurd. One of the reasons we have such a problem right now with homosexual issues is the fact that the Church SUCKS in showing the love of Christ to these people. I too, struggle with homosexual attractions. I have chosen to trust the Lord and abstain from living this lifestyle, but it is in no way easy. Everyone that claims to be a Believer in Jesus needs to learn how to deal with other Believers (and non-believers) who struggle with homosexual desires and same-sex attractions. READ SOME BOOKS PEOPLE! Chad Thompson has a great one called "Loving Homosexuals as Jesus Would". If you really want to impact the lives of those of us who struggle, educate yourselves! The only way to deal with homosexuality is to LOVE PEOPLE OUT OF IT. Period.

over 16 years ago

If I attacked a wounded part of my body the way other Christians have attacked Ray here, I'd be bleeding to death in no time. The Bible has just as much to say about how the body of Christ ought to treat a member of Christ's body as it does about heterosexual and homosexual sin. (Incidentally, the Bible is also clear that all sin is unnatural!) I can't help but think of the time when Christ, along side the woman caught in adultery with some heterosexual-sinning man, waited for the "one who is without sin" to throw the first stone at her. Clearly the "sticks and stones" or "Jerry Springer" method of dealing with sin isn't Christ's. There are things that need to be said to Ray by those qualified to do so. The idea that everyone's opinion counts, should be expressed, and is helpful is nonsense. Grow up church!

over 16 years ago

The Bible says we are to hate the sin but love the sinner. I really dont know why people are supporting this act of sin but you all need prayed for and need to come to the full knowledge that this is a sin. Instead of bashing and condeming we all need to pray that he turns away from this sinful nature. It is going to take a mighty move of God to turn him around. I will have to dissagree w/ the guy who commented: "If God doesn't have the ability to change a person's life, then there truly is no hope for mankind. We are all doomed." That comment is a lie form the pits of hell! GOD can change you! And He will if you LET HIM IN TO CHANGE YOU! It takes willingness. My prayers are w/ you Ray and please let God in and change you, not only for your family but for your salvation as well. As my Pastor puts it "Hell is a hot hot place."

over 16 years ago

How about your wife and children?

over 16 years ago

seek God's forgiveness before your soul is required of you.

over 16 years ago

I am truly blessed by your songs but was speechless when I heard of your coming out

over 16 years ago

Ray you can try to say what ever makes you feel good,but IN GODS WORD IT TELLS YOU THIS IS NOT NATURAL.The word of God I read tells me it is WRONG and God did not make you this way it was your choice.I feel so grieved for your family.You know Ray people want to twist the word of God to suite themselves.But you this is one thing that is so plain in the Bible that even a child could understand.Why don,t you find a true man Of God and talk th him about this.Are you afraid? May God Have Mercy on Your Soul.Rember Hell is real and it last for Ever.

over 16 years ago

Your music and the messages of hope and faith have touched millions over the years. Why don't you let it touch you too. I am very sad about you!

over 16 years ago

Thank you for being the man you are! Your love for Jesus comes through strong and clear through your music. Thank you for using your gifts and talents to inspire, motivate believers and bring others to Christ!! Thank you as well for having the strength to show the world that we are who the Lord created us to me and we love Jesus! The Lord bless you !!!

over 16 years ago

Romans chapter one , enjoy .

over 16 years ago

do you even read the bible?

over 16 years ago

Ray are you kidding me. We all face temptation, but thru faith and longsuffering we are supposed to rise above. I cannot believe what I have been seeing and reading about you lately. I can't beleive you kiss dudes....pillow biter! What a farce you turned out to be! What about your kids!!!!! I feel horribly for the way they must feel at this time. God save your soul.

over 16 years ago

Ray Ray Ray.....Your songs have been such an inspiration thru the years....I am glad that it is not our job to judge. We all will have to answer to God someday for our actions here on this temporary earth. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go thru this painful time in your life. Please seek God and make sure you are following his plan for your life.

over 16 years ago

Ray, I just heard about the lie that you have chosen to listen to. I also know that you are still human no matter how spiritual you have been for so long but you know what Ray Boltz judgement day is real real soon and now is certaintly NOT the time for backsliding. Please please do not believe the lies of satan and get on your knees and ask God to reveal himself to you. God did not make you gay or anyone else for that matter. IT is all a lie. A lie means there is no truth in the matter. Your a good man and the devil knows he does not have long. Keep satan out of your life. Remember the lyrics to your song the anchor holds. Hold on Ray dont give up. Heaven is too close to go towards the world.

over 16 years ago

God is not a God of confusion. He has given you a great talent to use for His glory. I read you have been married for many years and I am sure it has been a life of travel and even being away from each other while touring and raising a family. I can not imagine the pain you wife has felt over your "coming out" and with her pain I can not imagine the disappointment of my Lord is so much greater then that of the pain of those such as your wife.

over 16 years ago

Very sad....but his works will not save him..."Do Not be deceived.Neither fornicators,nor idolaters,nor adulterers,nor Homosexuals ,Nor Sodomites,......will inherit the kindom of God". God's Word -1 Cor.6:9-10. Just one of dozens of references on the subject.

over 16 years ago

I John 1:9. Never forget this verse. I cannot judge your sin. We all have skeletons in our closets we don't want anyone to know about. However, I think you know what scripture says about this. Jesus Christ has the strength to pull you out, only if you will truly allow Him. Romans 12:2 is a good start. Please seek counseling, and do not continue singing for Christ with this burden on your shoulders until there is full restoration. I'll be praying for you and your family.

over 16 years ago

How sad that Mr. Boltz has allowed the deception of the angel of light to blind his vision of the One True God that Ray has beautifully written and sang about for years. Mr. Boltz, if God has MADE you gay, then He made me lazy and therefore, I will come out, announce to you all that I am lazy, and will not be turning my hand to work at anything another day. After all, God made me this way...right? I am certainly praying for all of those in the Boltz family.

over 16 years ago

My heart is so heavy. May the strength of the Lord be with the wife and children of Mr. Boltz, as surely this is a crushing blow to them. I pray they know this is not their fault and they should not have to bear the shame. Mr. Boltz as well should not have to bear any shame. Jesus took upon Himself our sin and shame. That very blood that forgave us and washed us clean is powerful enough as well to break the bonds of that sin. I pray that the body of Christ would wake up and know that none of us are above a fall! We have no righteousness outside that of the Lord Jesus! He needs our prayers!!!

over 16 years ago

We've all heard "God hates homosexuals" but that's not true...God hates homosexuality He loves the homosexual...You've touched many lives, including mine, with your songs, don't turn back now. You've got a great calling and God has used you in a great and mighty way...Don't forsake that way now.

over 16 years ago

Your "news" makes me very sad..yet another of God's children has fallen prey to satan's onslaught of The Truth. :(

over 16 years ago

My husband heard on the radio this morning driving to work that you entered a homesexual relationship. He was so shocked and I am to. I cannot believe this. God Bless you.

over 16 years ago

My heart goes out to you and I will pray for you.On the other hand you have truly deceived all thoes that beleaved in you as a christian. I don't need to tell you how God feels about this You already know!!! It's not being true to your heart that matters it's being true to GOD that does!!!There is a way out of this life style through prayer.I wish you all the best but I can no longer support you as a fan. I was totally shocked!!!!

over 16 years ago

I really love the music you've given us over the years, however, it saddens me to hear that you've declared yourself as homosexual. God has the power to change you. Don't give in to the enemy. The bible calls this an abomination. The word does not change. Get back on track and let the blessings flow!

over 16 years ago

Mr Boltz...Your Godgiven talent and inspiration has been a blessing to me. I believe God will heal your mind and send you back in through the love of His Only Son Jesus Christ whose mercy as you know endures forever. Please go back in and let God heal and forgive you.

over 16 years ago

I Don"t want to seem judgemental,but I am truly MORTIFIED about the news of you being gay!!!!! I have been to many of your concerts and now am wishing I hadn't!!!! God does give you free choice and if this is truly one of your choices I feel so bad for you on the day you come face to face with Jesus!!!! I feel bad for your wife and kids.....

over 16 years ago

jesus still loves you despite the lifestyle you live. im saddened to hear that with admitting this you put jesus right back on the cross.

over 16 years ago

God bless you for your courage by coming out. I, personally, know of the pain of doing so while in your 50's. You will touch many people beyond those that have already benefited from your ministry--this will be a different impact, but one that is sorely needed....

over 16 years ago

I'm really not even sure how to respond to the news.It leaves me speechless. If God doesn't have the ability to change a person's life, then there truly is no hope for mankind. We are all doomed.

over 16 years ago

Heard You just came out! Please go back in!

over 16 years ago

I would say thank you for giving to the Lord.I am a life that has changed. The first day I heard this song, I cried. God will continue to bless you and you rewards in heaven are unlimited. I am sure that day, Jesus would say wellcome my humble servant. I would love to join the missionary group too.

almost 17 years ago


about 17 years ago

Hi, Just wanted to let you know what a special blessing you have continued to be in mine and Greg life. Would love to see you again. Maybe you should just plan a vacation in Bristol sometime. :) I hope all is well with you and your family, Hugs for everyone. We love you Robin and Greg

about 17 years ago

As one of millions of Fans around the world.. I would like to take this time to say "THANK YOU" for all you have given to us. Thank you Mr. Boltz. You have truly been a God Send to many of us. God has truly blessed you through your music and ministry. And we are truly Grateful.. Sincerely, Sherry