Born in Michoacan, Mexico; married Beatriz Adriana (a singer; divorced, 1993); children: daughter, Beatriz. Addresses: Record company--FONOVISA Records, 820 Canoga Ave., Ste #300, Woodland Hills, CA 91367, website:

For one wishing to jump into a solo career, one couldn't imagine a better trampoline than the one enjoyed by Mexican singer and composer Marco Antonio Solis. As founder of one of the most popular Mexican bands of recent decades, Solis capitalized on the fame earned onstage with Los Bukis and continued to win over audiences in Mexico, the United States, and beyond, with his own mix of ballads, boleros, rancheras and cumbias. With time, growing commercial success and major music awards gave an extra push to his already formidable level of public acceptance throughout the Americas.

Born in the state of Michoacan, Mexico, Solis began his love affair with music at an early age. A musical career quickly followed suit when he joined his cousin Joel to found Los Hermanitos Solis (The Little Solis Brothers) at the age of 12. The group later changed its name to Los Soles Tarascos. His most important musical decision, however, came when he formed Los Bukis as an adolescent early in the 1970s. Solis was the band's creative soul, acting as producer, arranger, composer and singer. The band name reportedly means the "the youngsters" in an indigenous language, fitting for a group in which the average age was 18. Los Bukis, with their fusion of cumbia, norteño and banda music accompanied by the synthesizer, deeply affected the evolution of the Tejano and norteño music so popular along the U.S.-Mexican border. For some it was the most important force in an expanding musical market that reflected an important and rapidly growing demographic: Latino immigrant audiences in the United States. The song "Yo Te Necesito," which was recorded in 1982, won international acclaim for the band due precisely to its success in the United States, and was nominated for a Grammy in 1984.

"[Solis] had it clear from the very beginning that he wanted to be a singer and composer, a profession to which he had dedicated his heart and soul," said his record label, Fonovisa. "His first songs already had that 'something' that only the great masters of popular music can give. A flower, a landscape, a face, a smile, a goodbye, love or falling out of love have all been for him inspiration pressed into verse and music."

Despite ongoing work with Los Bukis, Solis began exploring a solo career that would prove to be a seamless break with his musical past. In the mid-1990s, the original band began to fall apart; in 1995 Eusebio "El Chivo" Cortez and José "Pepe" Guadarrama left the group. By the time Los Bukis broke up the following year, Solis was releasing his first solo album, En pleno vuelo.

Solis released Marco in 1997. The album was a major radio hit in both Mexico and the United States, with the song "La Venia Bendita" reportedly staying at the top of the charts for more than 25 weeks; the "social content" of the album also sparked great public interest. Recorded between Miami and Los Angeles and released in 1999, the concept album Trozos de Mi Alma included ten songs, including Solis compositions that had previously been recorded by Spanish artists Roc'o Durcal and Enrique Iglesias. The album surpassed its radio success, with the cut "Si No Te Hubieras Ido" appearing in the internationally acclaimed film Y Tu Mama Tambian.

The year 2000 and the release of the live album Marco Antonio Solis en Vivo marked for some a turning point in the artist's recording career. Revisiting some of his most popular songs, Solis performed at the Teatro de Bellas Artes de Puerto Rico on March 21, 1999, accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra of Puerto Rico. In addition to paying tribute to Puerto Rican music, the album also revisited songs from his days with Los Bukis.

With more than 25 years in the music industry, Solis has earned a reputation as a master at developing catchy pop tunes. "Anybody with a weakness for sweet, hummable love songs will probably succumb to Solis' no-nonsense melodic sensibility, his gentle voice and portentous orchestrations," stated the Los Angeles Times, praising him after a 2001 concert for managing "the remarkable (make that miraculous) feat of overcoming the schmaltz and delivering moments of true beauty."

In addition to his great success as a singer and songwriter, Solis is also in demand as a producer. María Sorté, Olga Tanon, Roc'o Durcal, Laura Flores, and Ana Barbara are some of the artists who have turned to his talents to give an added push to their own careers.

The year 2004 was one of the most brilliant in Solis's long career. That year he won a Latin Grammy award for Best Song of the Year with "Tu Amor o Tu Desprecio," from the album by the same name. According to his record company, this song reaffirmed his place as "absolute vanguardist, undeniable troubadour and bohemian by nature." That year he sold millions of albums and toured Latin America and the United States. He immediately followed his American tour with the release of the album Raz-n de Sobra.

"The long-haired and bearded Solis connects with his audience with less banter, but occasionally speaks out; when he introduces his love songs set to everything from popular music to mariachi and banda, he sometimes talks about why music, writing and faith are important to his work," stated the Orange County Register in a 2004 concert review. "At times it seemed like he was a spoken-word performer and spiritual guide, when he began songs with a talk supported by his deep and soothing voice." With more than 20 albums and 300 songs to his name, several million albums sold, eight gold albums and one platinum album, he remains one of the most prolific artists in the Americas.

by Brett Allan King

Marco Antonio Solis's Career

Formed Los Hermanitos Solis at age 12, followed by Los Bukis in the early 1970s; released first solo album in 1995.

Marco Antonio Solis's Awards

Latin Grammy, Best Song of the Year, 2004.

Famous Works

Further Reading



Visitor Comments Add a comment…

almost 13 years ago

mr solis has such amazing talent, only a handful of artists leave you with a feeling of being understood through their music,on that same note i can honestly say he surpasses those lucky enough to be in the same league. may The Lord continue to Bless you and your family. i will look for any Gospel music you have recorded. i'm sure i won't be disappointed .

over 13 years ago

I first heard Mr. Solis back in the early 80's when my ,second to oldest, mom's sister introduced me to Los Bukis. His music, sounds, and lyrics caught my attention even at a very young age. As life went on my love for his music grew stronger and stronger. I have introduced my wife to his music which she adores as well. I recently had a dream come true when I got to see him in concert and heard his voice in person. It was an experience that we will never forget. He brought my feelings back from my days growing up in San Antonio and how much I miss my aunt which she raised me and we are not in speaking terms due to misunderstandings between me and her side of her family. It also brought back beautiful memories of my now 8 yrs deceased grandma which I love very much. Mr. Solis your music takes me to a serenity in my life that I am in need of. Thank You.

almost 14 years ago

Hello my nameis Gina and Im proud to be very much in love with the man of my dreams and who also introduced me to the irreplacable and beautiful sounds which belong to Mr. Marco Antonio Solis. My best goes out to Mr.Solis for composing the music thatallowed me to love my Nacho. Someday we Nacho& I are once again reunuited we want him to be our best man at our wedding.But for now we enjoy listening to his music from each side of the US & Mexico border. God bless you Marco. We love you truly compadre. Sincerely Gina&Naco

over 14 years ago

hey dis is arly and i read all the comments they wrote about u and almost two of them were the truth i love your music and i can't even explain how much i love your music i know you write this songs from the bottom of your heart thats very awesome because i write poems and i want to become a singer but about your songs i wish i could do that my birthday is coming up i wish i cud have you for y sweet fithteen that would be so dam awesome that is my wish meet you but not just meet talk to you nd have a conversation i want to intrevistarlo like omg!thank you hope u keep doin good.arly..

over 14 years ago


over 14 years ago


almost 15 years ago

Es una realidad que usted es privilegiado por El Senor, solo ud tiene ese Don de llegar tan profundo en el alma de las personas, no importa la cancion, ud siempre sabe llegar ahi, justo donde uno lo necesita, por eso eres admirado por todos los que te conocen, pero yo te admiro no solo por eso, sino tambien por tener un corazon tan grande y porque sobre todas las cosas, siempre llevas presente a tu esposa e hijas y eso es lo que hace la diferencia en ud. Mis respeto y bendicion para ud y su familia. yo como todos tengo un sueno y es un dia poder conocerlo, ese es mi gran sueno artistico. BENDICIONES!!

about 15 years ago

I was born near the town where Marco Antonio Solis Was born. I was about 12 y/o the fist time I heard Marco Antonio Solis and his group Los Bukis. I'm a one of Marco Antonio Solis biggest fans, his music is the best I ever heard in my whole life. God Bless Marco Antonio Solis.

over 15 years ago

I just found the first comment I wrote about this wonderful man seven months ago. I rarely go to concerts and never out of town. I have seen him perform twice once in New York and outside of New Orleans. They were both incredible experiences. His voice is the most beautiful I have ever heard. I am also amazed by his rapport with his audiences. He is genuinely kind and gives his all in his performances. I sat next to a hispanic lady who could not speak english, I could not speak spanish, but we both yelled and cheered at the same time. We laughed at each others enthusiasm, understanding each other perfectly well! He is a beautiful man in any language!!! Only wish I could see him more.

over 15 years ago

The first time I heard Marco Antonio Solis was in a hispanic store,since than I have purchased every CD and DVD by him and Los Bukis.I love his music and when I go to work thats all I listen to because it is so relaxing.Once I had a ticket for his Concert in Atlanta but it was canceled,I was so hurt and dissapointed, I even had front row seat.I send his CD's to my friends in Italy and Switzerland.I hope to meet him one day.With love Sydney

over 15 years ago

Marco antonio Solis se convirtio en ser mi idolo en poco mas de un ano. Siempre lo he admirado pero desde que le puse atencion a sus canciones me he fascinado con las letras de sus cancione y como las interpreta. Es admirable. Ayer oi por primera vez la cancion Quien sabe tu, y me llego al alma, pensando que se la cantaba a mi madre quefallecio hace un ano. Me gustaria que el escribiera una version de esta misma cancion para una una persona fallecida osea que en vez de decir que "nos vamos a salvar de caer en el abismo" que diga asi como que nos vamos a salvar y que nos veremos alla mismo. Muchas gracias por la oportunida de escribirle. Besos, abrazos y bendiciones para el y toda su familia. Mercedes Sanchez, Waterbury, CT.

almost 16 years ago

Dear t.t, I will pray for you and all people to get a chance to see this wonderful MAN in concert. I have never personaly met him, but I know someday I will!!! God Bless You Cj.

almost 16 years ago

I've read some of the comments written by Marco's fans.You are sooo lucky because you live near the places he lives and works.I am from the eastern part of Europe and I love and adore him as much as you do but I know I will never have the chance to see him live.So,when you are there ,seeing him with your own eyes just think to all the fans in the world that will never be able to see him live...not even once.

almost 17 years ago

When I first heard Marco Antonio Solice, I thought it was a commercial on the radio!! I listen to 92.9 KOLT fm out of Brighton, Colorado. "I Will Wai For You" was playing. I asked my friend who it was, and she said Marco Antonio Solice. And since then, I have gotten almost everything he ever did. I told her he was an angel from Heaven!!!. and I was right. I dream I am sitting at a sidewalk Cafe, and he comes up. The only chair is the one at my table. I say, "You can sit here, if you are not waiting for your wife or girlfriend. I would like the company. We talk for hours and we take a walk down to the lake. The moon is just comming up, and I throw a rockin the water. I notice a bunch of rocks, and we set down. I shiver and he asks me if I am cold, I say no, but he wraps his' arms around me and I fall asleep. I wake up to him messing with my mouth or tickling my cheek. I wake up, and he kisses me. Then I go to sleep again. He is not married in my drems, and I wouln't want to hurt his beautiful wife Christian, or his' two beautiful children either. I realy want to meet him some day, and I pray for the family all the time!!! He is a Human Angel!!! God bless you for ever... Cj.

about 16 years ago

When I first heard Marco it was in 1999 when his famous hit "Si No Te Hubieras Ido. I was haunted by the melody and the singer's soothing voice. I bought that album and translated the lyrics, and have been a fan ever since. I have even gone back to his early music with Los Bukis. He is truly a poet in every sense of the word. Then I had the great fortune to see him live in concert and realized I had witnessed one of the most phenomenal artists in this century. God bless you Marco.

about 16 years ago

I cannot understand a word but I can feel his music. I think he is the greatest artist I have ever heard. I heard his music for the first time in a little restaurant in Tennessee. The waiter wrote his name on a piece of paper for me and I went in search of a cd. This is only my first night. May the Lord Jesus bless him and keep him. Kathleen Mitchell

about 16 years ago

I have so much to say about Mr. Marco Antonio Solis, but I don't have the words that could possibly describe what his music has meant to me and the rest of the Guerra family. May God give you many more great years of health and happiness to continue to work for your family and the rest of your loving fans.

about 16 years ago

cuando ablo de marco antonio solis no tengo palabras que puedan dekribir su talento Marco Antonio Solis es el mejor cantate del mundo es lo maximo

about 16 years ago

Eres el mejor cantante del mundo.Uno de mis seeƱos es conoserte.Cuando estubiste en Stocton Areana fui a berte aora mi otra meta es conoserte

about 16 years ago

Que puedo decir, en realidad no tengo palabras para describir el talento de este apreciable y gran Senor, su musica es lo maximo, pero si me gustaria otra vez escuchar una cancion de los 80's se llama , cabeza dura, todas las canciones son muy bonitas y siempre llegan al corazon, de una forma o otra, muchas bendiciones, al Sr. Marco Antonio Solis

over 16 years ago

You are an extraordinary artist and have been very successful in the music business. As a singer, composer, and producer you know how to keep the attention of the listener. You sing from your soul and people can relate that. Few singers can keep that unique experience with their audience. Someday you will be as famous as those who came before and became legends. There is an immense following for your music here in the United States. You have been blessed.

over 16 years ago

Love your songs and the the way u sing with your sould and heart Im one of your best fans 4 ever

over 16 years ago

i like your songs and i hope you make more and have a good life

over 16 years ago

I love your music. You have a beautiful voice and our friends in the United States are happy that you made it to the top. Sincerely, Beatrice

almost 17 years ago

la verdad es que es de los pocos artistas que tiene el don de cantar con el alma , que Dios le derrame bendiciones , y el 15 de agosto voy estar en primera fila para escucharlo cantar en el miami arena , primero Dios ...........

about 17 years ago

Marco is one of the best. His majestic voice is at one with the angels. To hear him sing is unbelievably soothing. To meet him in person is a gift of God. He is by far one of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life, and his talent is more than words could ever describe. Thank you so much Marco for the music you play. Canto Con los angels. Muchisisisismas Gracias,

about 17 years ago

im doing a report on him ; )

over 17 years ago

hi i love ur music so does my mom keep it uppppp ILYZZZ