Elton John

Musician Biographies


The life of rock and roll began many years ago. It came forth because of a melting pot—a blend of different types of music—and has changed as each new musician played it his or her own way. Just like in all forms of art, there are those musicians who are considered to be the best. They excel because their talent and expertise extends beyond that of their peers. Their music becomes t…

4 minute read

Climb to Fame - The Moment It Turned, Becoming Elton John, Heading In The Right Direction, Empty Sky Is Released In London

It was just another late night in the studio for Reg when he and Bernie were discovered. Initially, the scene did not seem like it would be remembered as anything but terrible. The studio manager, Ronnie Brohn, came upon Reg in the studio after everyone was supposed to be gone. Ronnie became enraged that Reg was allowed to use the studio after hours. The next day Ronnie went to Stephen James, the…

less than 1 minute read

Rocket Man Falls and Returns - Losing John Lennon, Jump Up!, Elton Gets Married, Fun Fact!, Ryan White, The Elton John Aids Foundation - Back on the Rise

The early 1970s were a blur of superstardom for Elton, and the end of the decade—even with his retirement—was just as jam-packed. He kept himself in the music scene with the release of four albums from 1976 to 1979: Here and There, Blue Moves, A Single Man, and Victim of Love. Here and There and Blue Moves sold over two million copies. Elton's 1976 duet with Kiki Dee “…

1 minute read

Tragedy and the Future - The Lion King, Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Honors, Tragedy Strikes, Aida, The Present And Into The Future - Finding Peace and Moving On, Knighthood

After an astounding year in 1992, Elton was back on top, doing incredibly well in his personal and professional life. His proactive work for AIDS, with the Elton John AIDS Foundation and benefit concerts, brought him a satisfaction that meant more than commercial and financial success. In an interview on the BBC aired on March 30, 1997, Elton shared how growing older meant growing more peaceful: …

1 minute read

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