Born on November 9, 1959, in Long Island, NY; son of Donald and Frances McClurkin. Addresses: Management--Sierra Management, 1035 Bates Ct., Hendersonville, TN 37075, phone: (615) 822-5308. Booking--The Alliance Agency, phone: (615) 824-0753, fax: (615) 824-2983, website: Website--Donnie McClurkin Official Website:

As one of the most prominent figures on the contemporary gospel scene, Donnie McClurkin understands the transformative power of music. For McClurkin, gospel music has provided a sonic pulpit from which to preach and teach his spiritual beliefs. He told Essence magazine, "Through my music, I stress that what's important is your relationship with God. It's not about how often you go to church." It is with this belief that the singer, songwriter, and minister has made some of the most influential music of his generation.

Although he was raised within a religious family, McClurkin's strong commitment to the church is also connected to his troubled childhood. Donnie McClurkin was born in Long Island, New York, on November 9, 1959, to Frances and Donald McClurkin Sr., who had nine other children. McClurkin sought emotional and spiritual refuge in the Amityville Gospel Tabernacle after being sexually abused by a family member at a young age. He became a devoted member, and found that the church helped him deal with his traumatic experience.

Music quickly became another means for McClurkin to negotiate his personal struggles. While attending church services at Bethel Tabernacle in Jamaica, New York, a ten-year-old McClurkin had the opportunity to listen to and meet gospel legend Andráe Crouch. The meeting encouraged McClurkin to develop his own talent and to use music as a release from his troubled world. "What I couldn't verbalize," he told Ebony magazine, "I could express musically. It was an escape. When you sang, you left everything. You entered a place that was literally divine."

McClurkin's decision to devote himself to the church enabled the young artist to focus almost entirely on gospel music. He learned to play the piano and began to form musical groups, most notably the McClurkin Singers, which was comprised of four of his sisters and four close friends. McClurkin would rent sound systems and bring his groups to the city's most dangerous and deprived neighborhoods to perform, as a way of spreading his gospel message. McClurkin quickly gained a reputation as a rising star on the local gospel music scene.

In 1983 McClurkin met the Rev. Marvin Winans, of the famous Winans music family. Impressed by his talent and sincerity, Winans recruited McClurkin to help him start a ministry in Detroit, Michigan. McClurkin moved to Detroit in 1989 and became the associate minister of Perfecting Church. It was from Perfecting Church that McClurkin began to develop a national reputation, as he began to tour and perform at various churches and gospel venues throughout the country.

As McClurkin's star began to rise, he once again experienced a personal setback. At the age of 31 he was diagnosed with leukemia. Instead of opting for the traditional chemotherapy as a method of treatment, McClurkin decided to rely on his religious faith as a vehicle for his own recovery. "I tell people to believe that God will save you," he said in Ebony, "[and] I had to turn around and practice the very thing that I preached." One month after receiving the diagnosis from his doctor, McClurkin reported that he was fully healed without the help of medicine. Buoyed by what he deemed a miraculous recovery, McClurkin began to pursue his music career more aggressively. He soon received a recording contract and began preparing his self-titled debut album, which was released in 1996. The song's biggest hit, "Stand," received a critical endorsement from daytime television superstar Oprah Winfrey. McClurkin told Jet, "She stood on television, held the CD up and said, `This is my favorite CD in the world. After you've done all you can, stand. You all need to buy it.'" The popular reception for "Stand" and "Speak to my Heart," the album's other standout single, earned McClurkin a certified gold record and a Grammy nomination, positioning him among contemporary gospel's elite.

For his second album, McClurkin Project, McClurkin reassembled the McClurkin Singers to create an eclectic blend of contemporary gospel. The project took three years to complete and debuted on the Top Gospel Albums chart at number 12.

McClurkin's third album, Live from London, was recorded in September of 1999 and released in 2001 to rave reviews. The album featured the instant classic "We Fall Down," which remained at the top of the gospel charts for 40 weeks and frequently appeared near the top of R&B chart, enabling McClurkin's crossover into urban radio. As he told Jet, the song's lyrics resonated not only with his ever-growing audience but with McClurkin himself: "This is one of the most powerful songs I've ever heard, and it's the perfect summation of the Christian life. As saints, we are nothing more than sinners who fell down and then got back up again by the power and forgiveness of God."

Unlike many artists, McClurkin has been willing to publicly address the personal struggles that have informed his musical and spiritual direction. In 2001 he published the book Eternal Victim, Eternal Victor, which details his struggles with leukemia, family abuse, alcoholism, and his sexual identity. In the book McClurkin shares his personal stories, in an effort to inspire and motivate through his Christian faith. In addition to publishing, McClurkin has devoted considerable time to preaching his faith on Sunday morning. In 2002 McClurkin opened the Perfecting Faith Church in Long Island, New York, where he serves as the senior pastor.

Despite his efforts to spread his gospel message through other media, McClurkin has continued to make powerful music. In 2003 he released another LP, Again, which debuted at the top of the gospel charts. At a moment when the sounds of sacred and secular music are growing increasingly similar, McClurkin has been instrumental in keeping his traditional brand of gospel music in the public ear. McClurkin told Billboard magazine, "Urban may be the form of gospel that's recognized as growing, but that's not all there is. I'm serving it up straight, and that's what a lot of people are looking for."

by Marc L. Hill

Donnie McClurkin's Career

Formed group McClurkin Singers with family members and friends; met the Rev. Marvin Winans, 1983; moved to Detroit, became associate minister at Winans's Perfecting Church, 1989; released Donnie McClurkin, 1996; released McClurkin Project, 1999; released Live In London...And More, 2001; published autobiography Eternal Victim, Eternal Victor, 2001; opened Perfecting Faith Church in Long Island, NY, 2002; released Again, 2003.

Famous Works

Recent Updates

February 8, 2006: McClurkin won the Grammy Award for best traditional soul gospel album for Psalms, Hymns & Spiritual Songs. Source:,, February 9, 2006.

Further Reading



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almost 13 years ago

I just want to encourage you Donnie to keep your faith in God. Don't let the adversary keep telling you that you won't win this fight against the demon of homosexuality because the truth is you've already won. When you received the baptism in Jesus Name and the infilling of the Holy Ghost, the Lord had won the battle for you. You are now a new creature, you are no longer Donnie McClurkin born in sin, but Donnie McClurkin born into Life. Jesus defeated that spirit and now the devil keeps telling you that it isn't true. But he is a lie, he was a lie from the beginning. Always remember that when you hear those lies of the adversary rebuke them in the Name of Jesus and send them back to the pit from whence they came and thank God that He and you both know that that is not you it never was you because you were born again. The Donnie you are now, never had a problem with homosexuality because the new Donnie was born in the image of God and in Him is no darkness at all. Keep the faith, lean on Jesus fully and completely trust in Him to lead you all the way from earth to glory. Remember, dear heart, who you are and Whose you are, the devil wants to try and take it from you but he has no power or control over you, he never did. Did you know that he can't do anything to you unless you allow him to? he will try all kinds of deceptions and trickery to make you believe that he does when he doesn't unless you allow him to. How do you allow him to? By choices you make or word of mouth or things you say or do that aren't according to the Word of God. Jesus loves you more than you can imagine or fathom or understand. Just seek God's will for everything you do, even down to what you wear, its all in the Word of God. I'm praying for you,Donnie, for God to strengthen and keep you. Whenever you feel weak don't listen to the devil's lies. Just lean on Jesus. Won't be long now before Jesus cracks the sky to take home His bride, all of the prophecies spoken of in the Bible to happen before the rapture have happened now He is just waiting for the last few people who will be a part of the bride before us home. I pray we'll all be ready.Love you dear heart, God loves you more.

almost 13 years ago

I just want to encourage you Donnie to keep your faith in God. Don't let the adversary keep telling you that you won't win this fight against the demon of homosexuality because the truth is you've already won. When you received the baptism in Jesus Name and the infilling of the Holy Ghost, the Lord had won the battle for you. You are now a new creature, you are no longer Donnie McClurkin born in sin, but Donnie McClurkin born into Life. Jesus defeated that spirit and now the devil keeps telling you that it isn't true. But he is a lie, he was a lie from the beginning. Always remember that when you hear those lies of the adversary rebuke them in the Name of Jesus and send them back to the pit from whence they came and thank God that He and you both know that that is not you it never was you because you were born again. The Donnie you are now, never had a problem with homosexuality because the new Donnie was born in the image of God and in Him is no darkness at all. Keep the faith, lean on Jesus fully and completely trust in Him to lead you all the way from earth to glory. Remember, dear heart, who you are and Whose you are, the devil wants to try and take it from you but he has no power or control over you, he never did. Did you know that he can't do anything to you unless you allow him to? he will try all kinds of deceptions and trickery to make you believe that he does when he doesn't unless you allow him to. How do you allow him to? By choices you make or word of mouth or things you say or do that aren't according to the Word of God. Jesus loves you more than you can imagine or fathom or understand. Just seek God's will for everything you do, even down to what you wear, its all in the Word of God. I'm praying for you,Donnie, for God to strengthen and keep you. Whenever you feel weak don't listen to the devil's lies. Just lean on Jesus. Won't be long now before Jesus cracks the sky to take home His bride, all of the prophecies spoken of in the Bible to happen before the rapture have happened now He is just waiting for the last few people who will be a part of the bride before us home. I pray we'll all be ready.Love you dear heart, God loves you more.

over 13 years ago

I don't think that people really understand the full impact of Donnie's contribution to the music of the church, i believe that he should be classified as the Mozart of gospel music. He has indeed set the standard for others to follow, his music embodies the true essence of praise and whorship, his onstage performances can certianly captivate and bless any audience, he is professional, extemely talented,versatile and his message is clear. Don't stop singing Donnie

about 14 years ago

Hello Pastor Donnie. Hope you are good. May God pour down His blessings of favour in your life, always. You have been through so much... BUT GOD!! Thank you so much for sharing a part of your life with the public, indeed you have helped many. I so admire you for your humility and your worshipful attitude towards God, keep on praising Him, as you continue to lead others to do the same.

about 14 years ago


over 14 years ago

My dearest Donnie, what can I say about your music,I love all of it. My favorite is Great is Your Mercy,I tear up every time I hear it and I listen to it often I mean often. I tell my children if anything happens to me make sure you come and personally sing it at my funeral. I don't care about the cost spend it on getting you there at the church. Again thank you for so many songs,but of all the songs this one Great is Your Mercy! Thank u for sharing your love of music.

over 14 years ago

Pastor McClurkin stay encouraged. You bless me with your music because of the anointing you have which destroys yokes!! I love the song "You are Holy", when you went into tongues, I went with you and was in the holy of holies!! I thank God for you and may He continue to shine His face upon you for His Glory!! Be Blessed!!

over 14 years ago


almost 15 years ago

i had the oppoturnity to be in the midst of this amazingly spiritual man. his meer persence is annointing. in new orleans for the april 10th live tapping of sundays best. divine. absolute. so holly and true. my prayers are with and for him. need another song. love alldays.

almost 15 years ago

hi, Pastor, Donnie McClurkin : I'm from West Africa , Liberia & a African Singer , who wish to sing with in one of your concert. I lived California , please if God be GOD , & I know he's God that answer prayer by fire . Please let my dream come thru. I just need a chance & opportunity to explore in the things of God , by ministering in my calling as a gospel singer. Not for money , but for soul to be saved. Please reply @ my email, God bless U man of God.

almost 15 years ago

well for me; I knew totally nothing about this great man of God until january 2010 U can imagine and guess who told me about him? The Holy Sirit of the Living God and I know it will Intrest Pastor Donnie to hear or confirm my conversation with the Holy Spirit concerning Him. of course I will not talk about it here and I wont press hard on tell Him about it either for I know the spirit does not lie. So far I have read and serch more about Him than even some people that have known Him for years and I discover some really heartboke and heartamending things about Him But I thank God Almighty for You and Your family I thank God for all your helpers for they are not to be taken for granted and I thank God for your suporters and fans for God use them to keep U on your feets I also thank God for your critics I mean thoes who abused, condernmed and crititised You every second for God use then to make You strong.Have You noticed that each time you see evil or bad things writen about you, You tend to be more careful on your relationship with people and with God? you tend to watch your ways and serve God in a more better way and you are also careful with where you go, what you do, what you hear, what you read and who you mingle with. so you will agree with me on what I wrote above. But despite all this, I dont need to encourage you to do what you are doing for God because you know what you should do for God. And because God is not who we toy with we don't need an advocate to stand for us before Jesus for He Himself is the Avocate in otherwords we all have direct axcess to God all we need do is to access our stand with God But I know you are good, gifted annointed and talented. But the fact is that it wouldn't be so if you had not pressed or are not pressing the right botton!!!! Remain Blessed and continue your work for the Reward is sure geat and mighty ahead of You Above all.I THANK GOD FOR YOUR LIFE Bye

almost 15 years ago

well for me; I knew totally nothing about this great man of God until january 2010 U can imagine and guess who told me about him? The Holy Sirit of the Living God and I know it will Intrest Pastor Donnie to hear or confirm my conversation with the Holy Spirit concerning Him. of course I will not talk about it here and I wont press hard on tell Him about it either for I know the spirit does not lie. So far I have read and serch more about Him than even some people that have known Him for years and I discover some really heartboke and heartamending things about Him But I thank God Almighty for You and Your family I thank God for all your helpers for they are not to be taken for granted and I thank God for your suporters and fans for God use them to keep U on your feets I also thank God for your critics I mean thoes who abused, condernmed and crititised You every second for God use then to make You strong.Have You noticed that each time you see evil or bad things writen about you, You tend to be more careful on your relationship with people and with God? you tend to watch your ways and serve God in a more better way and you are also careful with where you go, what you do, what you hear, what you read and who you mingle with. so you will agree with me on what I wrote above. But despite all this, I dont need to encourage you to do what you are doing for God because you know what you should do for God. And because God is not who we toy with we don't need an advocate to stand for us before Jesus for He Himself is the Avocate in otherwords we all have direct axcess to God all we need do is to access our stand with God But I know you are good, gifted annointed and talented. But the fact is that it wouldn't be so if you had not pressed or are not pressing the right botton!!!! Remain Blessed and continue your work for the Reward is sure geat and mighty ahead of You Above all.I THANK GOD FOR YOUR LIFE Bye

about 15 years ago

I have never known such an inspiring person who is not afraid to tell the world who he really is. One thing christians find hard to do is tell the truth but I thank God for someone like you in who I can find strength especially through your songs. My favourite is "I'll trust you Lord". May God continue to keep you in good health and strength Amen.

about 15 years ago

God bless you!!! you are my inspiration

about 15 years ago

Pastor Donnie Mc Clurkin, I thank God for you being so open about your life. I can see that God has brought you a mighty long way. You are a very powerful speaker and a great singer. You recently visited the church I attend in St.Pauls, NC. I was soooo blessed by the word you ministered. I had to leave early to go to work, so I missed the singing. I did however, get that powerful word. God Bless you and be safe in Africa.

over 15 years ago

May God bless u fo the wonderful music ministry. I first heard of u from pirated discs and my heart was changed and I no longer by pirated stuff. The song Again actual helped me in my fight against cancer reminding me that the Lord will be there for me again and again live or die sink or swim He will be there Again

over 15 years ago

Hi Pastor Donnie Mc clurkin,the pleasure's mine to write U this message it's a freind of Haiti"I call Garvens Saint hilaire a presentator of a boadcasting gospel in haiti on the radio kiss fm of,so In my boadcasting it's only gospel and worship I spend to bless all Haiti's people,N I'll never stop to congratulate U so,please PASTOR DONNIE go on in this way,because God have so much,so much,so much benediction for U in Ur familly,Hi to Ur mass choir in black girl in the"I call U holy"she's very nice when she sing.My phone is (509)3-669-0669,N my,I'd like U listen my boadcasting next saturday from six to eight God n I waiting for Ur message in Ur call Too God blessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss U Go on to preach the gospel tought the music,my words can be enough to explain my happyness I love U Pastor Donnie God blesssssssss Saint hilaireGarvens(Haiti)

over 15 years ago

Hi Pastor, Keep up the good're almost there. May our heavenly father bless you abundantly, give you a fresh anointing, multiply your finances, meet all of your need above and beyond, turn your fears into strenghths, your tears into joy, your worries into peace, and your patience into victory.

over 15 years ago

hi i'm ur biggest fan. a friend just want to ask, if u were gay? and when u stop being gay? if u were. anyway keep on doing what ur doing. bye

over 15 years ago

Hello Mr.Donnie McClurkin, I am a 33 year old man that had a similar story as you, I seen you at the Pilgrim church when you preachedat the renissance. you prayed for those that have been struggling with that homosexual spirit. I need help or to talk to some one that have won the victory over this in my life. I was saved at 9 and filled with the holy ghost, this spirit ocassionally pops up and tries to overtake me and pull me back into homosexual acts. please reach out to me and give me advice how to deal and conquer homosexuality. churches dont deal with this real issue.

almost 16 years ago

you are a blessing and inspiration unto my life thanks for sharing your story it is really touching

almost 16 years ago

I love you-Donnie McClurkin sooo much. You are a tower of strenght and inspiration to me. You are a true worshipper and I am touched by your songs. God bless you as you continue to work for the King. With Love!

almost 16 years ago

I first heard of you while watching a show on BET once where your song, Stand, was in the top ten. I thought it was amazing that a gospel artist could do so on a 'contemporary music show.' I became so interested, that I researched you on the internet and found more inspired music. I had the unique opportunity to hear you live at 'Kingdom Night' in my home country Saint Lucia, a few years back. Since then I have been even more inspired. Though I have not yet become a baptized christian, I hope that one day soon I can take that step. One of my fondest wishes, is to visit your church in New York, I think that hearing you preach will be inspiring, more so than your singing! Hold your faith regardless of the naysayers and the negativity of this life. God put you on earth to do his work, the trials of Job which you endured are of the past. There will be new challenges every day, stay focused and in faith and God will see you through! Always! The plan he has for you will come, a true helpmate and the strength to just STAND! Isn't he great!

almost 16 years ago

Maybe "Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. When the door of happiness closes, another opens, but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one that has been opened for us. The best kind of friend is the kind that you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives. Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their hearts but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don’t go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because life is short and now is when you have the chance to do all the things you want to do. May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person too. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way. Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives. Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can't go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches. When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone else is crying." Author Unknown Keep doing you....Luv Ya!

almost 16 years ago

I really really enjoy this song but was more excited to hear the difficulty that he endured thru abuse and physical healing and he overcame with the help of I'm praying for a mate for him after listening to him on TBN with Michael W. Smith and wanting that for himself!!!

almost 16 years ago

its a blessing listening to your music,my god bless you with more energy to preach the word of god through your music

almost 16 years ago

pastor donnie. u are a bomb ,a blessing, an inspiration,a hero ,a legend. respect to u a minster. u lift up my sipit with the song the blood.

almost 16 years ago

Donnie, till today, I didn't know you did "Stand". I'm always blessed when I listen to it. I got particularly interested in knowing about the man Donnie McClurkin when I was told that he did "I Call You Holy", another song which touched my heart the first time I heard it. I soon became troubled when I also heard a distorted version of your "involvement with gays". Now I see why your songs are a blessing in spite of your past. May the Lord Jesus give you more opportunities to win more to Him.

almost 16 years ago

its such a great privilege to have you in our time.pst donnie,you are such a huge blessing to me as a person and to our generation as a whole. so very proud of God in your life and ministry,keep up the good work,see you in heaven much love.

almost 16 years ago

Calvary greetings to you Pastor Donnie. May God continue to enrich you with wisdom to proclaim the good news through songs. Your songs minister to me always especially I WILL SING. I look forward to meeting you before the arrival of Jesus Christ. I am also in the Music Ministry please forward encouragement words/materials to me. I am from Nigeria West Africa. You will have the crown of glory from God in Jesus' Name Amen.

almost 17 years ago

Greetings Donnie,I am so blessed by your music. Sometimes I tend to lose hope when it is not going well in my life but when I listen to your: "I'll Trust You Lord",immediately just after that song I feel my life being once again renewed and ready to serve God with an endless hope. God Bless You!!!

about 16 years ago

Hello Pastor McClurkin. I thank God for the life he has chosen for you. I myself has experience alot of heartache. Last year I lost 5 immediate family members. 3 in 30days.For the Grace & Mercy of God, that I'm ever so greatful. I never knew that in my dispear that I could love the LORD even more than before. When I lost my GODLY Mother, I thought my entire world was going to end. I had never experience such a pain. I like to sit down and talk to you one day. I really wish you could make the time. I know I have God's Favor, and I pray that your day's become what God Desire's for you ONLY. BE BLESS.

about 16 years ago

The first time i heard you sing,was the song Great is your Mercy.Sins that day when i feel im lossing it.There comes that song.O thank God FOR THE BLOOD OF jESUS.PASTOR I AM NOT SAVED YET PLEASE PRAY FOR ME.HUNGRY SPIRIT.MAY GODS BLESSING ALWAYS FALL ON YOU.GOD BLESSSSSSSSSSSSSS

about 16 years ago

Hi Donnie, I must say indeed my soul have been blessed. God have been so wonderful to me. I must give Him thanks and praise. I had the opportunity to see you live for the first time on 27/01/09, Tuesday night in Portmore, Jamaica. You are a man of God. Keep on working for God, winning souls for the Kingdom and worshipping Him. I want to know when you are coming back to Jamaica for the concert. God's will I"ll be there. Pray for me in my studies. God bless you.

about 16 years ago

Hi Pastor Donnie, I first of all want to thank God for your life, what He has done in the past, present and what he's going to do in the future. You have been a blessing to me by watching/listening to your songs both CD & DVD's. One thing I want people to know is that no matter what had happened in someone's life in the past does not determind he's or her future. This is a simple message from God to us through your life that WE ALL AT TIMES MAY FALL DOWN BUT WE CAN GET UP AGAIN as you rightly sang in your song. I want you to know that God Almighty has annionted you to preach,teach,and sing to His glory. I can't wait to meet with you in person which will enable me to tap double possion of your annionting to sing and preach and also be a personal friend. God bless you.

about 16 years ago

Hello Pastor McClurkin, I've been coming to PFC for a few months now and I love the body of Christ there and how the holy spirit moves in the church. however, I'm not sure of your position as a pastor about how you feel about homosexuality and the church. Jesus teaches us to hate the sin and love the sinner. also, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. I thank God for your ministry, it is a blessing to me,may God continue to do a good work within you.

about 16 years ago

When I started reading your profile at first I felt so bad to know that you were engage into gay activities. It almost quench my thirst for your songs becoz I am a lover of your songs. However, I praise God for delivering U. The Bible says that there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Jesus. It is my ardent prayer that you will continue to speak against such evil in your Ministry and songs. God richly bless you.

about 16 years ago

Hi,Pastor McClurkin. Some say you were born on Nov9,1959 and some say on Jan1,1961.If the latter is the truth.Happy Birthday.If not, Happy New Year.May this be a year of divine favour and may you find all good things the LORD stored up for you for this year and to the end of your reign on planet earth. I love you.Hope

about 16 years ago


about 16 years ago

YOU have been one of my strong point's in life someone that I turn to no matter what I'm going threw happy times sad times or just to hear a word you have been there for me and I THANK GOD for you.

about 16 years ago


about 16 years ago

You are such a blessing in ur music.An example in ur living and a footstep to follow .Im praying for u .

about 16 years ago

I thank God for you, Pastor Donnie Mc Clurkin!!!! You are truely an inspiration to me and others around the world. Continue to preach the Word of God and seeking God, who is first in your life. God bless you and your ministry!

about 16 years ago

Hello Pastor Donnie, I wanna say that you are a blessing to a lot of people. Your songs are really wonderful and soul lifting.I was so touched after reading your true life story, and i got to no that there is indeed no problem without an expiring date. May the good LORD continue to strenghten and bless you, and may those who trust in GOD through you not be put to shame. Amen

about 16 years ago

oh praise God for ever more.his name is high above every other name.blessed be the name of the LORD .GOD bless you PASTOR DONNIE

about 16 years ago

oh praise God for ever more.his name is high above every other name.blessed be the name of the LORD .GOD bless you PASTOR DONNIE

over 16 years ago

Hello Pastor Donnie,i had the opportunity to watch one of your CDS today, which talked about your testimony,all i can say is i liked your music but it wasn't until i heard your testimony that i understood your message.Indeed heroes are made on the platform of their pain.One thing i said was, if i never get to meet you here on earth, i sure will in heaven.God bless you. Amesika,Ghana,West Africa

over 16 years ago

Hello Donnie McClurkin, I really appreiciate your work I think you are a blessed comtemporary gospel singer it really makes me think about how GOD really is good I don't understand his works sometime but I know he's merciful,compassionate and a savior. especially how he kept you and how you drew yourself close to him in spite of everything that happen to you I love you brother your my favorite gospel singer I hope God keeps you in the most perfect peace possible you are a strong man of GOD, GOD bless you. there is hope for for lost souls because of your story and others like you I LOVE YOU GOD is BEAUTIFUL

over 16 years ago

Leila M. Harrison would like to meet Pastor Donnie McClurkin. Hello pastor, it's 2008 and I still can't shake you off. It is as if you have half of my heart. Jesus holds me but I need to be free of my feelings for you. I'm sure you see this as a serious thing because it is not healthy. There are many saved men but my spirit finds you physically attractive. When I first say you in 2000, I did not know who you were. All I saw was an attractive church going man. I did not care if you were rich or poor. I just wanted you as a friend. You will always be my favorite but I would be happy when you are no longer a crush. If this is common in your life please let me know.

over 16 years ago

It is so intresting that God can truely transform some like donnie.May i pliz ask where can i get his book that he wrote

over 16 years ago

Praise be to God the most high for the things that you've had to go through because they encourage me. Because of your testimony and the song, "We fall down", I have hope in the Lord that He will fulfill His word and calling upon my life to impact youths, not just in my country Kenya but the world over. I hope to meet you in person someday. You are a blessing to me....may God mightily bless you...

over 16 years ago

Pastor McClurkin, I have always listened to your music and it has brought such great joy into my life and home that I want to thank GOD for your ministry of music and for being transparent in your message. However, my real question this day-Why are you not married?

over 16 years ago

The Lord in the highest place is our love worthy ...Praise be to him for bringing u up Pastor...oh wat a wndful voice he has given to u...full of annointing...hallelluyah only him is holy...that song brings some transformation everytime i listen to it...thnk u pastor...u are in our PRAYERS....

over 16 years ago

brother you are always a blessing to came to kenya and had most of us rub shoulders with the anointing operating in your ministry and ...I am never the same again!big time brother!

over 16 years ago

brother you are always a blessing to came to kenya and had most of us rub shoulders with the anointing operating in your ministry and ...I am never the same again!big time brother!

over 16 years ago

Well" I've watched you grow and grow: then you're still growing and being promoted by our Heavenly Father God... Even all that you have aquired by Faith, which is what has pleased the Lord Thy God they'res much more to come and visit you by the hand and Holy spirit of God... Stay REAL is my only advice; thay the true prophets of God are always able to decern the TRUTH from the FAKE... Pastor McClurkin you've Sheperd very well and your hard work and consistancy will be rewarded always... To God be the Glory in the Anointed name of Jesus of Nazereth Israel...AMEN Cincinnati, Ohio Relocating to another state soon...

over 16 years ago

One question that lingers in my mind is how you went from being a victim of incest to being a homosexual. Also at what age did you start your homo relationship and at what age did it end. What was the turning point that made you say, Hey, this hsa to stop. How can i an sexual addict overcome such a lifestyle.

almost 17 years ago

hello pastor macclurkin just reading about you and what have happen. And to to see you go forward in ministry you didnt let your past paralize you.and because god had his hand on you from the beginning God ressurect you so that your life may resurrect some one else. and i thank GOD FOR YOU CAUSE I CAME FROM A FAMILY OF ABUSE EVAN IN MY OWN FAMILY MY DAUGHTER AND I THANK GOD FOR REAL TESTAMONIES LIKE YOURS AND MINES AND OTHERS WHO GOD IS HEALING AND BRINGING FORTH TO TELL OF HIS AWSOME GOODNESS GOD BLESS AND HEAVEN SMILE UPON YOU.

almost 17 years ago

Praise The Lord Mr McClurklin, As always it is a blessing to be able to hear and experience the presence of God through your music. Live in London was a Cd I played so much that i have to purchase a new one.Great is your Mercy help me through A time in my life that I felt God had forsaken me, it truly blessed me and whenever I hear it I can now put on a big smile for God and I can remember his grace and mercy toward me... the album Again the duet with Yolanda Adams the whole album is such a blessing. To God Be the Glory for all he is doing and continue to do in your life, and for the encouragement and inspiration you have given all of us through your ministry.God Bless

over 17 years ago

hi Donnie McClurklin how are you i love all of your songs and how you also changed your life. i would also like to ask you why don't you have anything about your brother in any of your websites or any of your other siblings are you ashamed of them or anything if not you should have something about. Instead of just about your little brother who died but that's it and once again i love all of your songs a lot. And you are avery good gospel singer one of the best.

over 17 years ago

hi, Mr. McClurkin i was writing to tell you about how much i enjoyed you at DR.Dorinda Clark Coles singers and musicians conference 2007. My husband and i was so fascinated by your ministry. He was on Dr. Coles program for weds. night he sung thank you lord for all you done for me. And you turned around and sung it thursday night. He said he could have laid in the floor and cried like a baby everyone looked at him when you sung it. afterwards i was looking for you to sign my book afterwards but they had already took you out i really like your book especially chapter 4. This was our forth time their he won last year best soloist of the year 2006 i wish you could have heard him wed night you inspire me i like your music to i don't want to say love because you can't love music.